
Hot papers on arXiv from the past month: November 2021

01 December 2021

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clock training data

Training data. Left: example images from the SynClock dataset generator. Right: example scenes from the Timelapse dataset. From It’s About Time: Analog Clock Reading in the Wild. Reproduced under a CC BY 4.0 license.

What’s hot on arXiv? Here are the most tweeted papers that were uploaded onto arXiv during November 2021.

Results are powered by Arxiv Sanity Preserver.

A Survey of Generalisation in Deep Reinforcement Learning
Robert Kirk, Amy Zhang, Edward Grefenstette, Tim Rocktäschel
Submitted to arXiv on: 18 November 2021

Abstract: The study of generalisation in deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) aims to produce RL algorithms whose policies generalise well to novel unseen situations at deployment time, avoiding overfitting to their training environments. Tackling this is vital if we are to deploy reinforcement learning algorithms in real world scenarios, where the environment will be diverse, dynamic and unpredictable. This survey is an overview of this nascent field. We provide a unifying formalism and terminology for discussing different generalisation problems, building upon previous works. We go on to categorise existing benchmarks for generalisation, as well as current methods for tackling the generalisation problem. Finally, we provide a critical discussion of the current state of the field, including recommendations for future work. Among other conclusions, we argue that taking a purely procedural content generation approach to benchmark design is not conducive to progress in generalisation, we suggest fast online adaptation and tackling RL-specific problems as some areas for future work on methods for generalisation, and we recommend building benchmarks in underexplored problem settings such as offline RL generalisation and reward-function variation.

169 tweets

Palette: Image-to-Image Diffusion Models
Chitwan Saharia, William Chan, Huiwen Chang, Chris A. Lee, Jonathan Ho, Tim Salimans, David J. Fleet, Mohammad Norouzi
Submitted to arXiv on: 10 November 2021

Abstract: We introduce Palette, a simple and general framework for image-to-image translation using conditional diffusion models. On four challenging image-to-image translation tasks (colorization, inpainting, uncropping, and JPEG decompression), Palette outperforms strong GAN and regression baselines, and establishes a new state of the art. This is accomplished without task-specific hyper-parameter tuning, architecture customization, or any auxiliary loss, demonstrating a desirable degree of generality and flexibility. We uncover the impact of using L2 vs. L1 loss in the denoising diffusion objective on sample diversity, and demonstrate the importance of self-attention through empirical architecture studies. Importantly, we advocate a unified evaluation protocol based on ImageNet, and report several sample quality scores including FID, Inception Score, Classification Accuracy of a pre-trained ResNet-50, and Perceptual Distance against reference images for various baselines. We expect this standardized evaluation protocol to play a critical role in advancing image-to-image translation research. Finally, we show that a single generalist Palette model trained on 3 tasks (colorization, inpainting, JPEG decompression) performs as well or better than task-specific specialist counterparts.

102 tweets

Gradients are Not All You Need
Luke Metz, C. Daniel Freeman, Samuel S. Schoenholz, Tal Kachman
Submitted to arXiv on: 10 November 2021

Abstract: Differentiable programming techniques are widely used in the community and are responsible for the machine learning renaissance of the past several decades. While these methods are powerful, they have limits. In this short report, we discuss a common chaos based failure mode which appears in a variety of differentiable circumstances, ranging from recurrent neural networks and numerical physics simulation to training learned optimizers. We trace this failure to the spectrum of the Jacobian of the system under study, and provide criteria for when a practitioner might expect this failure to spoil their differentiation based optimization algorithms.

101 tweets

It’s About Time: Analog Clock Reading in the Wild
Charig Yang, Weidi Xie, Andrew Zisserman
Submitted to arXiv on: 17 November 2021

Abstract: In this paper, we present a framework for reading analog clocks in natural images or videos. Specifically, we make the following contributions: First, we create a scalable pipeline for generating synthetic clocks, significantly reducing the requirements for the labour-intensive annotations; Second, we introduce a clock recognition architecture based on spatial transformer networks (STN), which is trained end-to-end for clock alignment and recognition. We show that the model trained on the proposed synthetic dataset generalises towards real clocks with good accuracy, advocating a Sim2Real training regime; Third, to further reduce the gap between simulation and real data, we leverage the special property of time, i.e. uniformity, to generate reliable pseudo-labels on real unlabelled clock videos, and show that training on these videos offers further improvements while still requiring zero manual annotations. Lastly, we introduce three benchmark datasets based on COCO, Open Images, and The Clock movie, totalling 4,472 images with clocks, with full annotations for time, accurate to the minute.

77 tweets

Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners
Kaiming He, Xinlei Chen, Saining Xie, Yanghao Li, Piotr Dollár, Ross Girshick
Submitted to arXiv on: 11 November 2021

Abstract: This paper shows that masked autoencoders (MAE) are scalable self-supervised learners for computer vision. Our MAE approach is simple: we mask random patches of the input image and reconstruct the missing pixels. It is based on two core designs. First, we develop an asymmetric encoder-decoder architecture, with an encoder that operates only on the visible subset of patches (without mask tokens), along with a lightweight decoder that reconstructs the original image from the latent representation and mask tokens. Second, we find that masking a high proportion of the input image, e.g., 75%, yields a nontrivial and meaningful self-supervisory task. Coupling these two designs enables us to train large models efficiently and effectively: we accelerate training (by 3x or more) and improve accuracy. Our scalable approach allows for learning high-capacity models that generalize well: e.g., a vanilla ViT-Huge model achieves the best accuracy (87.8%) among methods that use only ImageNet-1K data. Transfer performance in downstream tasks outperforms supervised pre-training and shows promising scaling behavior.

75 tweets

Florence: A New Foundation Model for Computer Vision
Lu Yuan, Dongdong Chen, Yi-Ling Chen, Noel Codella, Xiyang Dai, Jianfeng Gao, Houdong Hu, Xuedong Huang, Boxin Li, Chunyuan Li, Ce Liu, Mengchen Liu, Zicheng Liu, Yumao Lu, Yu Shi, Lijuan Wang, Jianfeng Wang, Bin Xiao, Zhen Xiao, Jianwei Yang, Michael Zeng, Luowei Zhou, Pengchuan Zhang
Submitted to arXiv on: 22 November 2021

Abstract: Automated visual understanding of our diverse and open world demands computer vision models to generalize well with minimal customization for specific tasks, similar to human vision. Computer vision foundation models, which are trained on diverse, large-scale dataset and can be adapted to a wide range of downstream tasks, are critical for this mission to solve real-world computer vision applications. While existing vision foundation models such as CLIP, ALIGN, and Wu Dao 2.0 focus mainly on mapping images and textual representations to a cross-modal shared representation, we introduce a new computer vision foundation model, Florence, to expand the representations from coarse (scene) to fine (object), from static (images) to dynamic (videos), and from RGB to multiple modalities (caption, depth). By incorporating universal visual-language representations from Web-scale image-text data, our Florence model can be easily adapted for various computer vision tasks, such as classification, retrieval, object detection, VQA, image caption, video retrieval and action recognition. Moreover, Florence demonstrates outstanding performance in many types of transfer learning: fully sampled fine-tuning, linear probing, few-shot transfer and zero-shot transfer for novel images and objects. All of these properties are critical for our vision foundation model to serve general purpose vision tasks. Florence achieves new state-of-the-art results in majority of 44 representative benchmarks, e.g., ImageNet-1K zero-shot classification with top-1 accuracy of 83.74 and the top-5 accuracy of 97.18, 62.4 mAP on COCO fine tuning, 80.36 on VQA, and 87.8 on Kinetics-600.

66 tweets

NÜWA: Visual Synthesis Pre-training for Neural visUal World creAtion
Chenfei Wu, Jian Liang, Lei Ji, Fan Yang, Yuejian Fang, Daxin Jiang, Nan Duan
Submitted to arXiv on: 24 November 2021

Abstract: This paper presents a unified multimodal pre-trained model called NÜWA that can generate new or manipulate existing visual data (i.e., images and videos) for various visual synthesis tasks. To cover language, image, and video at the same time for different scenarios, a 3D transformer encoder-decoder framework is designed, which can not only deal with videos as 3D data but also adapt to texts and images as 1D and 2D data, respectively. A 3D Nearby Attention (3DNA) mechanism is also proposed to consider the nature of the visual data and reduce the computational complexity. We evaluate NÜWA on 8 downstream tasks. Compared to several strong baselines, NÜWA achieves state-of-the-art results on text-to-image generation, text-to-video generation, video prediction, etc. Furthermore, it also shows surprisingly good zero-shot capabilities on text-guided image and video manipulation tasks. Project repo is this https URL.

56 tweets

EditGAN: High-Precision Semantic Image Editing
Huan Ling, Karsten Kreis, Daiqing Li, Seung Wook Kim, Antonio Torralba, Sanja Fidler
Submitted to arXiv on: 4 November 2021

Abstract: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have recently found applications in image editing. However, most GAN based image editing methods often require large scale datasets with semantic segmentation annotations for training, only provide high level control, or merely interpolate between different images. Here, we propose EditGAN, a novel method for high quality, high precision semantic image editing, allowing users to edit images by modifying their highly detailed part segmentation masks, e.g., drawing a new mask for the headlight of a car. EditGAN builds on a GAN framework that jointly models images and their semantic segmentations, requiring only a handful of labeled examples, making it a scalable tool for editing. Specifically, we embed an image into the GAN latent space and perform conditional latent code optimization according to the segmentation edit, which effectively also modifies the image. To amortize optimization, we find editing vectors in latent space that realize the edits. The framework allows us to learn an arbitrary number of editing vectors, which can then be directly applied on other images at interactive rates. We experimentally show that EditGAN can manipulate images with an unprecedented level of detail and freedom, while preserving full image quality.We can also easily combine multiple edits and perform plausible edits beyond EditGAN training data. We demonstrate EditGAN on a wide variety of image types and quantitatively outperform several previous editing methods on standard editing benchmark tasks.

55 tweets

Projected GANs Converge Faster
Axel Sauer, Kashyap Chitta, Jens Müller, Andreas Geiger
Submitted to arXiv on: 1 November 2021

Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) produce high-quality images but are challenging to train. They need careful regularization, vast amounts of compute, and expensive hyper-parameter sweeps. We make significant headway on these issues by projecting generated and real samples into a fixed, pretrained feature space. Motivated by the finding that the discriminator cannot fully exploit features from deeper layers of the pretrained model, we propose a more effective strategy that mixes features across channels and resolutions. Our Projected GAN improves image quality, sample efficiency, and convergence speed. It is further compatible with resolutions of up to one Megapixel and advances the state-of-the-art Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) on twenty-two benchmark datasets. Importantly, Projected GANs match the previously lowest FIDs up to 40 times faster, cutting the wall-clock time from 5 days to less than 3 hours given the same computational resources.

54 tweets

Dense Unsupervised Learning for Video Segmentation
Nikita Araslanov, Simone Schaub-Meyer, Stefan Roth
Submitted to arXiv on: 11 November 2021

Abstract: We present a novel approach to unsupervised learning for video object segmentation (VOS). Unlike previous work, our formulation allows to learn dense feature representations directly in a fully convolutional regime. We rely on uniform grid sampling to extract a set of anchors and train our model to disambiguate between them on both inter- and intra-video levels. However, a naive scheme to train such a model results in a degenerate solution. We propose to prevent this with a simple regularisation scheme, accommodating the equivariance property of the segmentation task to similarity transformations. Our training objective admits efficient implementation and exhibits fast training convergence. On established VOS benchmarks, our approach exceeds the segmentation accuracy of previous work despite using significantly less training data and compute power.

54 tweets


Lucy Smith is Senior Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith is Senior Managing Editor for AIhub.

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