The ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT) took place in Seoul, South Korea from 21-24 June 2022. The event brought together researchers and practitioners interested in fairness, accountability, and transparency in socio-technical systems.
All of the keynote talks, panel discussions, tutorials, and research talks are available to watch on YouTube. There are playlists for each:
There were four distinguished paper awards presented at the conference. You can see the associated talks below:
The values encoded in machine learning research
Abeba Birhane, Pratyusha Kalluri, Dallas Card, William Agnew, Ravit Dotan and Michelle Bao
Fairness-aware model-agnostic positive and unlabeled learning
Ziwei Wu and Jingrui He
Algorithmic tools in public employment services: towards a jobseeker-centric perspective
Kristen Scott, Sonja Mei Wang, Milagros Miceli, Pieter Delobelle, Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska and Bettina Berendt
Towards intersectional feminist and participatory ML: a case study in supporting feminicide counterdata collection
H. Suresh, R. Movva, A. Lee Dogan, R. Bhargava, I. Cruxen, A. Martinez Cuba, G. Taurino, W. So, C. D’Ignazio