
Forthcoming machine learning and AI seminars: September 2024 edition

02 September 2024

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This post contains a list of the AI-related seminars that are scheduled to take place between 2 September and 31 October 2024. All events detailed here are free and open for anyone to attend virtually.

2 September 2024

Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism – The first five years
Panellists: Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Jens Schneider, Noshir Contractor, George Metakides, Christiane Wendehorst
Organised by: The Digital Humanism (DIGHUM) Initiative
The talk will be livestreamed on YouTube here.

5 September 2024

AI Series: Structural Changes, Talent Capacity and Development
Speaker: Ashley Braganza (Brunel Business School)
Organised by: Chartered Governance Institute UK and Ireland
Sign up here.

9 September 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Jiajun Wu (Stanford University)
Organised by: Vanderbilt University
Check the Google group for Zoom instructions.

12 September 2024

Exploiting artificial intelligence in synthesis planning
Speaker: Samuel Genheden (AstraZeneca)
Organised by: Chalmers University of Technology
Zoom link is here. Password: ai4science.

16 September 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Yu Wang (Vanderbilt University)
Organised by: Vanderbilt University
Check the Google group for Zoom instructions.

23 September 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Yilun Du (Harvard University)
Organised by: Vanderbilt University
Check the Google group for Zoom instructions.

30 September 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Furong Huang (University of Maryland)
Organised by: Vanderbilt University
Check the Google group for Zoom instructions.

7 October 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Saining Xie (New York University)
Organised by: Vanderbilt University
Check the Google group for Zoom instructions.

8 October 2024

Teaching and learning computer science with rapidly evolving generative AI models
Speakers: Arto Hellas & Juho Leinonen (Aalto University)
Organised by: Raspberry PI
Sign up here to join.

9 October 2024

AI Series: Business Model Innovation
Speaker: Ashley Braganza (Brunel Business School)
Organised by: Chartered Governance Institute UK and Ireland
Sign up here.

10 October 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Anne-Florence Bitbol (EPFL)
Organised by: Chalmers University of Technology
Zoom link is here. Password: ai4science.

16 October 2024

Algorithmic decision making and participation for biodiversity conservation
Speaker: Lily Xu (University of Oxford)
Organised by: Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford
Register here.

21 October 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Youssef Mroueh (IBM Research/MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab)
Organised by: Vanderbilt University
Check the Google group for Zoom instructions.

23 October 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Barry Smith (University of London)
Organised by: Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford
Register here.

28 October 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Huy Vo (Meta AI)
Organised by: Vanderbilt University
Check the Google group for Zoom instructions.

29 October 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Yuejie Chi (Carnegie Mellon)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Zoom registration here nearer the time.

30 October 2024

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Alexy Karenowska (University of Oxford)
Organised by: Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford
Register here.

To see past and forthcoming events for 2024, please see our dedicated 2024 seminar page.

If you’d like to visit the webpages of the universities and other organisations that are running regular programmes of seminars, then click here to see our list.

If you are aware of any seminars (both standalone and series) that we’ve missed then please just send us an email and we’ll add them to the list.


Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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