In late December, the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA) hosted a two-hour debate between Gary Marcus and Yoshua Bengio.
There was common ground as the two discussed creating hybrid AI systems (where deep learning methods are used in tandem with other AI methods). Differences arose when the debate moved onto terminology and the histories of the various methodologies.
You can watch the full debate by clicking on the video link below. It includes a brief presentation by each researcher, discussion between the two and questions from the audience.
Gary Marcus is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology at New York University and was Founder and CEO of Geometric Intelligence, a machine learning company. His research focuses on natural and artificial intelligence.
Yoshua Bengio is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research at the Université de Montréal and scientific director of MILA. In 2018 he was a co-recipient of the Turing Award for his work in deep learning.