
The Age of A.I. YouTube series

27 March 2020

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The Age of AI

The YouTube originals series “The Age of A.I.” was released in December 2019. If you haven’t already seen it now could be a good time to catch up – with much of the world in enforced or voluntary isolation many of us will be stuck at home with hours to fill. Sit back and marvel at the many incredible, and often heart-warming, applications of AI.

Episode 1 features researchers Mark Sagar, University of Auckland and Gil Weinberg, Georgia Tech. Mark works with will.i.am on a digital avatar and presents BabyX – a virtual animated baby that learns and reacts like a human baby. Gil makes music using AI and has teamed up other researchers at Georgia Tech to create smart prosthetics for amputees, combining ultrasound signals and machine learning.

Watch the other episodes:
Episode 2: Healed through A.I.

Episode 3: Using A.I. to build a better human

Episode 4: Love, art and stories: decoded

Episode 5: The ‘Space Architects’ of Mars

Episode 6: Will a robot take my job?

Episode 7: Saving the world one algorithm at a time

Episode 8: How A.I. is searching for Aliens

You can access the full series here.

Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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