
AI in tweets: June 2020

16 July 2020

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AIhub | Tweets round-up

This month we cover the important topic of bias in machine learning. Our selection of tweets includes links to articles, podcasts and tutorials relating to AI ethics.

An important debate on bias in machine learning started after the release of an image that illustrates it:

The following tweets provide links to some important articles to read, podcasts to listen to, and tutorials to watch.
1) The CVPR tutorial en Ethics in Computer vision by Timnit Gebru and Emily Denton:


2) “Combatting Anti-Blackness in the AI community” by Devin Guillory:

3) Coded Bias, the film that shows the origins of the Algorithmic Justice League:

4) Three articles on how Machine Learning systems can be poorly calibrated and amplify bias:

5) Podcasts by the radical AI Podcast:

This month, there have also been researchers who supported the Black in AI community:


A petition signed by more than 700 researchers prevented the publication of a pseudo-science article in Springer Nature:

And finally, we share with you this poignant article on the discomfort felt by the data scientist Deb Raji when analyzing the COVID19 death counts:

Nedjma Ousidhoum is a postdoc at the University of Cambridge.
Nedjma Ousidhoum is a postdoc at the University of Cambridge.

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