
Hot papers on arXiv from the past month – August 2020

02 September 2020

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AIhub arXiv roundup

What’s hot on arXiv? Here are the most tweeted papers that were uploaded onto arXiv during August 2020.

Results are powered by Arxiv Sanity Preserver.

EagerPy: Writing Code That Works Natively with PyTorch, TensorFlow, JAX, and NumPy
Jonas Rauber, Matthias Bethge, Wieland Brendel
Submitted to arXiv on: 10 August 2020

Abstract: EagerPy is a Python framework that lets you write code that automatically works natively with PyTorch, TensorFlow, JAX, and NumPy. Library developers no longer need to choose between supporting just one of these frameworks or reimplementing the library for each framework and dealing with code duplication. Users of such libraries can more easily switch frameworks without being locked in by a specific 3rd party library. Beyond multi-framework support, EagerPy also brings comprehensive type annotations and consistent support for method chaining to any framework. The latest documentation is available online at this https URL and the code can be found on GitHub at this https URL.

49 tweets

Learning Visual Representations with Caption Annotations
Mert Bulent Sariyildiz, Julien Perez, Diane Larlus
Submitted to arXiv on: 4 August 2020

Abstract: Pretraining general-purpose visual features has become a crucial part of tackling many computer vision tasks. While one can learn such features on the extensively-annotated ImageNet dataset, recent approaches have looked at ways to allow for noisy, fewer, or even no annotations to perform such pretraining. Starting from the observation that captioned images are easily crawlable, we argue that this overlooked source of information can be exploited to supervise the training of visual representations. To do so, motivated by the recent progresses in language models, we introduce {\em image-conditioned masked language modeling} (ICMLM) — a proxy task to learn visual representations over image-caption pairs. ICMLM consists in predicting masked words in captions by relying on visual cues. To tackle this task, we propose hybrid models, with dedicated visual and textual encoders, and we show that the visual representations learned as a by-product of solving this task transfer well to a variety of target tasks. Our experiments confirm that image captions can be leveraged to inject global and localized semantic information into visual representations. Project website: this https URL.

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Motion Capture from Internet Videos
Junting Dong, Qing Shuai, Yuanqing Zhang, Xian Liu, Xiaowei Zhou, Hujun Bao
Submitted to arXiv on: 18 August 2020

Abstract: Recent advances in image-based human pose estimation make it possible to capture 3D human motion from a single RGB video. However, the inherent depth ambiguity and self-occlusion in a single view prohibit the recovery of as high-quality motion as multi-view reconstruction. While multi-view videos are not common, the videos of a celebrity performing a specific action are usually abundant on the Internet. Even if these videos were recorded at different time instances, they would encode the same motion characteristics of the person. Therefore, we propose to capture human motion by jointly analyzing these Internet videos instead of using single videos separately. However, this new task poses many new challenges that cannot be addressed by existing methods, as the videos are unsynchronized, the camera viewpoints are unknown, the background scenes are different, and the human motions are not exactly the same among videos. To address these challenges, we propose a novel optimization-based framework and experimentally demonstrate its ability to recover much more precise and detailed motion from multiple videos, compared against monocular motion capture methods.

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Neural Light Transport for Relighting and View Synthesis
Xiuming Zhang, Sean Fanello, Yun-Ta Tsai, Tiancheng Sun, Tianfan Xue, Rohit Pandey, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Philip Davidson, Christoph Rhemann, Paul Debevec, Jonathan T. Barron, Ravi Ramamoorthi, William T. Freeman
Submitted to arXiv on: 9 August 2020

Abstract: The light transport (LT) of a scene describes how it appears under different lighting and viewing directions, and complete knowledge of a scene’s LT enables the synthesis of novel views under arbitrary lighting. In this paper, we focus on image-based LT acquisition, primarily for human bodies within a light stage setup. We propose a semi-parametric approach to learn a neural representation of LT that is embedded in the space of a texture atlas of known geometric properties, and model all non-diffuse and global LT as residuals added to a physically-accurate diffuse base rendering. In particular, we show how to fuse previously seen observations of illuminants and views to synthesize a new image of the same scene under a desired lighting condition from a chosen viewpoint. This strategy allows the network to learn complex material effects (such as subsurface scattering) and global illumination, while guaranteeing the physical correctness of the diffuse LT (such as hard shadows). With this learned LT, one can relight the scene photorealistically with a directional light or an HDRI map, synthesize novel views with view-dependent effects, or do both simultaneously, all in a unified framework using a set of sparse, previously seen observations. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our neural LT (NLT) outperforms state-of-the-art solutions for relighting and view synthesis, without separate treatment for both problems that prior work requires.

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Neural Networks and Quantum Field Theory
James Halverson, Anindita Maiti, Keegan Stoner
Submitted to arXiv on: 19 August 2020

Abstract: We propose a theoretical understanding of neural networks in terms of Wilsonian effective field theory. The correspondence relies on the fact that many asymptotic neural networks are drawn from Gaussian processes, the analog of non-interacting field theories. Moving away from the asymptotic limit yields a non-Gaussian process and corresponds to turning on particle interactions, allowing for the computation of correlation functions of neural network outputs with Feynman diagrams. Minimal non-Gaussian process likelihoods are determined by the most relevant non-Gaussian terms, according to the flow in their coefficients induced by the Wilsonian renormalization group. This yields a direct connection between overparameterization and simplicity of neural network likelihoods. Whether the coefficients are constants or functions may be understood in terms of GP limit symmetries, as expected from ‘t Hooft’s technical naturalness. General theoretical calculations are matched to neural network experiments in the simplest class of models allowing the correspondence. Our formalism is valid for any of the many architectures that becomes a GP in an asymptotic limit, a property preserved under certain types of training.

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DXSLAM: A Robust and Efficient Visual SLAM System with Deep Features
Dongjiang Li, Xuesong Shi, Qiwei Long, Shenghui Liu, Wei Yang, Fangshi Wang, Qi Wei, Fei Qiao
Submitted to arXiv on: 12 August 2020

Abstract: A robust and efficient Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system is essential for robot autonomy. For visual SLAM algorithms, though the theoretical framework has been well established for most aspects, feature extraction and association is still empirically designed in most cases, and can be vulnerable in complex environments. This paper shows that feature extraction with deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can be seamlessly incorporated into a modern SLAM framework. The proposed SLAM system utilizes a state-of-the-art CNN to detect keypoints in each image frame, and to give not only keypoint descriptors, but also a global descriptor of the whole image. These local and global features are then used by different SLAM modules, resulting in much more robustness against environmental changes and viewpoint changes compared with using hand-crafted features. We also train a visual vocabulary of local features with a Bag of Words (BoW) method. Based on the local features, global features, and the vocabulary, a highly reliable loop closure detection method is built. Experimental results show that all the proposed modules significantly outperforms the baseline, and the full system achieves much lower trajectory errors and much higher correct rates on all evaluated data. Furthermore, by optimizing the CNN with Intel OpenVINO toolkit and utilizing the Fast BoW library, the system benefits greatly from the SIMD (single-instruction-multiple-data) techniques in modern CPUs. The full system can run in real-time without any GPU or other accelerators. The code is public at this https URL.

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HoliCity: A City-Scale Data Platform for Learning Holistic 3D Structures
Yichao Zhou, Jingwei Huang, Xili Dai, Linjie Luo, Zhili Chen, Yi Ma
Submitted to arXiv on: 7 August 2020

Abstract: We present HoliCity, a city-scale 3D dataset with rich structural information. Currently, this dataset has 6,300 real-world panoramas of resolution 13312×6656 that are accurately aligned with the CAD model of downtown London with an area of more than 20 km2, in which the median reprojection error of the alignment of an average image is less than half a degree. This dataset aims to be an all-in-one data platform for research of learning abstracted high-level holistic 3D structures that can be derived from city CAD models, e.g., corners, lines, wireframes, planes, and cuboids, with the ultimate goal of supporting real-world applications including city-scale reconstruction, localization, mapping, and augmented reality. The accurate alignment of the 3D CAD models and panoramas also benefits low-level 3D vision tasks such as surface normal estimation, as the surface normal extracted from previous LiDAR-based datasets is often noisy. We conduct experiments to demonstrate the applications of HoliCity, such as predicting surface segmentation, normal maps, depth maps, and vanishing points, as well as test the generalizability of methods trained on HoliCity and other related datasets. HoliCity is available at this https URL.

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Black Magic in Deep Learning: How Human Skill Impacts Network Training
Kanav Anand, Ziqi Wang, Marco Loog, Jan van Gemert
Submitted to arXiv on: 13 August 2020

Abstract: How does a user’s prior experience with deep learning impact accuracy? We present an initial study based on 31 participants with different levels of experience. Their task is to perform hyperparameter optimization for a given deep learning architecture. The results show a strong positive correlation between the participant’s experience and the final performance. They additionally indicate that an experienced participant finds better solutions using fewer resources on average. The data suggests furthermore that participants with no prior experience follow random strategies in their pursuit of optimal hyperparameters. Our study investigates the subjective human factor in comparisons of state of the art results and scientific reproducibility in deep learning.

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The Hessian Penalty: A Weak Prior for Unsupervised Disentanglement
William Peebles, John Peebles, Jun-Yan Zhu, Alexei Efros, Antonio Torralba
Submitted to arXiv on: 24 August 2020

Abstract: Existing disentanglement methods for deep generative models rely on hand-picked priors and complex encoder-based architectures. In this paper, we propose the Hessian Penalty, a simple regularization term that encourages the Hessian of a generative model with respect to its input to be diagonal. We introduce a model-agnostic, unbiased stochastic approximation of this term based on Hutchinson’s estimator to compute it efficiently during training. Our method can be applied to a wide range of deep generators with just a few lines of code. We show that training with the Hessian Penalty often causes axis-aligned disentanglement to emerge in latent space when applied to ProGAN on several datasets. Additionally, we use our regularization term to identify interpretable directions in BigGAN’s latent space in an unsupervised fashion. Finally, we provide empirical evidence that the Hessian Penalty encourages substantial shrinkage when applied to over-parameterized latent spaces.

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Causal blankets: Theory and algorithmic framework
Fernando E. Rosas, Pedro A.M. Mediano, Martin Biehl, Shamil Chandaria, Daniel Polani
Submitted to arXiv on: 28 August 2020

Abstract: We introduce a novel framework to identify perception-action loops (PALOs) directly from data based on the principles of computational mechanics. Our approach is based on the notion of causal blanket, which captures sensory and active variables as dynamical sufficient statistics — i.e. as the “differences that make a difference.” Moreover, our theory provides a broadly applicable procedure to construct PALOs that requires neither a steady-state nor Markovian dynamics. Using our theory, we show that every bipartite stochastic process has a causal blanket, but the extent to which this leads to an effective PALO formulation varies depending on the integrated information of the bipartition.

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Lucy Smith is Senior Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith is Senior Managing Editor for AIhub.

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