
Hot papers on arXiv from the past month – November 2020

01 December 2020

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AIhub arXiv roundup

What’s hot on arXiv? Here are the most tweeted papers that were uploaded onto arXiv during November 2020.

Results are powered by Arxiv Sanity Preserver.

Self Normalizing Flows
T. Anderson Keller, Jorn W.T. Peters, Priyank Jaini, Emiel Hoogeboom, Patrick Forré, Max Welling
Submitted to arXiv on: 14 November 2020

Abstract: Efficient gradient computation of the Jacobian determinant term is a core problem of the normalizing flow framework. Thus, most proposed flow models either restrict to a function class with easy evaluation of the Jacobian determinant, or an efficient estimator thereof. However, these restrictions limit the performance of such density models, frequently requiring significant depth to reach desired performance levels. In this work, we propose Self Normalizing Flows, a flexible framework for training normalizing flows by replacing expensive terms in the gradient by learned approximate inverses at each layer. This reduces the computational complexity of each layer’s exact update from O(D3) to O(D2), allowing for the training of flow architectures which were otherwise computationally infeasible, while also providing efficient sampling. We show experimentally that such models are remarkably stable and optimize to similar data likelihood values as their exact gradient counterparts, while surpassing the performance of their functionally constrained counterparts.

61 tweets

Text-to-Image Generation Grounded by Fine-Grained User Attention
Jing Yu Koh, Jason Baldridge, Honglak Lee, Yinfei Yang
Submitted to arXiv on: 7 November 2020

Abstract: Localized Narratives is a dataset with detailed natural language descriptions of images paired with mouse traces that provide a sparse, fine-grained visual grounding for phrases. We propose TReCS, a sequential model that exploits this grounding to generate images. TReCS uses descriptions to retrieve segmentation masks and predict object labels aligned with mouse traces. These alignments are used to select and position masks to generate a fully covered segmentation canvas; the final image is produced by a segmentation-to-image generator using this canvas. This multi-step, retrieval-based approach outperforms existing direct text-to-image generation models on both automatic metrics and human evaluations: overall, its generated images are more photo-realistic and better match descriptions.

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Underspecification Presents Challenges for Credibility in Modern Machine Learning
Alexander D’Amour, Katherine Heller, Dan Moldovan, Ben Adlam, Babak Alipanahi, Alex Beutel, Christina Chen, Jonathan Deaton, Jacob Eisenstein, Matthew D. Hoffman, Farhad Hormozdiari, Neil Houlsby, Shaobo Hou, Ghassen Jerfel, Alan Karthikesalingam, Mario Lucic, Yian Ma, Cory McLean, Diana Mincu, Akinori Mitani, Andrea Montanari, Zachary Nado, Vivek Natarajan, Christopher Nielson, Thomas F. Osborne, Rajiv Raman, Kim Ramasamy, Rory Sayres, Jessica Schrouff, Martin Seneviratne, Shannon Sequeira, Harini Suresh, Victor Veitch, Max Vladymyrov, Xuezhi Wang, Kellie Webster, Steve Yadlowsky, Taedong Yun, Xiaohua Zhai, D. Sculley
Submitted to arXiv on: 6 November 2020

Abstract: ML models often exhibit unexpectedly poor behavior when they are deployed in real-world domains. We identify underspecification as a key reason for these failures. An ML pipeline is underspecified when it can return many predictors with equivalently strong held-out performance in the training domain. Underspecification is common in modern ML pipelines, such as those based on deep learning. Predictors returned by underspecified pipelines are often treated as equivalent based on their training domain performance, but we show here that such predictors can behave very differently in deployment domains. This ambiguity can lead to instability and poor model behavior in practice, and is a distinct failure mode from previously identified issues arising from structural mismatch between training and deployment domains. We show that this problem appears in a wide variety of practical ML pipelines, using examples from computer vision, medical imaging, natural language processing, clinical risk prediction based on electronic health records, and medical genomics. Our results show the need to explicitly account for underspecification in modeling pipelines that are intended for real-world deployment in any domain.

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Large-scale multilingual audio visual dubbing
Yi Yang, Brendan Shillingford, Yannis Assael, Miaosen Wang, Wendi Liu, Yutian Chen, Yu Zhang, Eren Sezener, Luis C. Cobo, Misha Denil, Yusuf Aytar, Nando de Freitas
Submitted to arXiv on: 6 November 2020

Abstract: We describe a system for large-scale audiovisual translation and dubbing, which translates videos from one language to another. The source language’s speech content is transcribed to text, translated, and automatically synthesized into target language speech using the original speaker’s voice. The visual content is translated by synthesizing lip movements for the speaker to match the translated audio, creating a seamless audiovisual experience in the target language. The audio and visual translation subsystems each contain a large-scale generic synthesis model trained on thousands of hours of data in the corresponding domain. These generic models are fine-tuned to a specific speaker before translation, either using an auxiliary corpus of data from the target speaker, or using the video to be translated itself as the input to the fine-tuning process. This report gives an architectural overview of the full system, as well as an in-depth discussion of the video dubbing component. The role of the audio and text components in relation to the full system is outlined, but their design is not discussed in detail. Translated and dubbed demo videos generated using our system can be viewed at this https URL.

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An Attack on InstaHide: Is Private Learning Possible with Instance Encoding?
Nicholas Carlini, Samuel Deng, Sanjam Garg, Somesh Jha, Saeed Mahloujifar, Mohammad Mahmoody, Shuang Song, Abhradeep Thakurta, Florian Tramer
Submitted to arXiv on: 10 November 2020

Abstract: A learning algorithm is private if the produced model does not reveal (too much) about its training set. InstaHide [Huang, Song, Li, Arora, ICML’20] is a recent proposal that claims to preserve privacy by an encoding mechanism that modifies the inputs before being processed by the normal learner. We present a reconstruction attack on InstaHide that is able to use the encoded images to recover visually recognizable versions of the original images. Our attack is effective and efficient, and empirically breaks InstaHide on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and the recently released InstaHide Challenge. We further formalize various privacy notions of learning through instance encoding and investigate the possibility of achieving these notions. We prove barriers against achieving (indistinguishability based notions of) privacy through any learning protocol that uses instance encoding.

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Gradient Starvation: A Learning Proclivity in Neural Networks
Mohammad Pezeshki, Sékou-Oumar Kaba, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, Doina Precup, Guillaume Lajoie
Submitted to arXiv on: 18 November 2020

Abstract: We identify and formalize a fundamental gradient descent phenomenon resulting in a learning proclivity in over-parameterized neural networks. Gradient Starvation arises when cross-entropy loss is minimized by capturing only a subset of features relevant for the task, despite the presence of other predictive features that fail to be discovered. This work provides a theoretical explanation for the emergence of such feature imbalance in neural networks. Using tools from Dynamical Systems theory, we identify simple properties of learning dynamics during gradient descent that lead to this imbalance, and prove that such a situation can be expected given certain statistical structure in training data. Based on our proposed formalism, we develop guarantees for a novel regularization method aimed at decoupling feature learning dynamics, improving accuracy and robustness in cases hindered by gradient starvation. We illustrate our findings with simple and real-world out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization experiments.

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FROST: Faster and more Robust One-shot Semi-supervised Training
Helena E. Liu, Leslie N. Smith
Submitted to arXiv on: 18 November 2020

Abstract: Recent advances in one-shot semi-supervised learning have lowered the barrier for deep learning of new applications. However, the state-of-the-art for semi-supervised learning is slow to train and the performance is sensitive to the choices of the labeled data and hyper-parameter values. In this paper, we present a one-shot semi-supervised learning method that trains up to an order of magnitude faster and is more robust than state-of-the-art methods. Specifically, we show that by combining semi-supervised learning with a one-stage, single network version of self-training, our FROST methodology trains faster and is more robust to choices for the labeled samples and changes in hyper-parameters. Our experiments demonstrate FROST’s capability to perform well when the composition of the unlabeled data is unknown; that is when the unlabeled data contain unequal numbers of each class and can contain out-of-distribution examples that don’t belong to any of the training classes. High performance, speed of training, and insensitivity to hyper-parameters make FROST the most practical method for one-shot semi-supervised training.

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Stylized Neural Painting
Zhengxia Zou, Tianyang Shi, Shuang Qiu, Yi Yuan, Zhenwei Shi
Submitted to arXiv on: 16 November 2020

Abstract: This paper proposes an image-to-painting translation method that generates vivid and realistic painting artworks with controllable styles. Different from previous image-to-image translation methods that formulate the translation as pixel-wise prediction, we deal with such an artistic creation process in a vectorized environment and produce a sequence of physically meaningful stroke parameters that can be further used for rendering. Since a typical vector render is not differentiable, we design a novel neural renderer which imitates the behavior of the vector renderer and then frame the stroke prediction as a parameter searching process that maximizes the similarity between the input and the rendering output. We explored the zero-gradient problem on parameter searching and propose to solve this problem from an optimal transportation perspective. We also show that previous neural renderers have a parameter coupling problem and we re-design the rendering network with a rasterization network and a shading network that better handles the disentanglement of shape and color. Experiments show that the paintings generated by our method have a high degree of fidelity in both global appearance and local textures. Our method can be also jointly optimized with neural style transfer that further transfers visual style from other images. Our code and animated results are available at this https URL.

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RidgeSfM: Structure from Motion via Robust Pairwise Matching Under Depth Uncertainty
Benjamin Graham, David Novotny
Submitted to arXiv on: 20 November 2020

Abstract: We consider the problem of simultaneously estimating a dense depth map and camera pose for a large set of images of an indoor scene. While classical SfM pipelines rely on a two-step approach where cameras are first estimated using a bundle adjustment in order to ground the ensuing multi-view stereo stage, both our poses and dense reconstructions are a direct output of an altered bundle adjuster. To this end, we parametrize each depth map with a linear combination of a limited number of basis “depth-planes” predicted in a monocular fashion by a deep net. Using a set of high-quality sparse keypoint matches, we optimize over the per-frame linear combinations of depth planes and camera poses to form a geometrically consistent cloud of keypoints. Although our bundle adjustment only considers sparse keypoints, the inferred linear coefficients of the basis planes immediately give us dense depth maps. RidgeSfM is able to collectively align hundreds of frames, which is its main advantage over recent memory-heavy deep alternatives that can align at most 10 frames. Quantitative comparisons reveal performance superior to a state-of-the-art large-scale SfM pipeline.

33 tweets


Lucy Smith is Senior Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith is Senior Managing Editor for AIhub.

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