
Hot papers on arXiv from the past month – December 2020

04 January 2021

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AIhub arXiv roundup

What’s hot on arXiv? Here are the most tweeted papers that were uploaded onto arXiv during December 2020.

Results are powered by Arxiv Sanity Preserver.

Point Transformer
Hengshuang Zhao, Li Jiang, Jiaya Jia, Philip Torr, Vladlen Koltun
Submitted to arXiv on: 16 December 2020

Abstract: Self-attention networks have revolutionized natural language processing and are making impressive strides in image analysis tasks such as image classification and object detection. Inspired by this success, we investigate the application of self-attention networks to 3D point cloud processing. We design self-attention layers for point clouds and use these to construct self-attention networks for tasks such as semantic scene segmentation, object part segmentation, and object classification. Our Point Transformer design improves upon prior work across domains and tasks. For example, on the challenging S3DIS dataset for large-scale semantic scene segmentation, the Point Transformer attains an mIoU of 70.4% on Area 5, outperforming the strongest prior model by 3.3 absolute percentage points and crossing the 70% mIoU threshold for the first time.

128 tweets

Neurosymbolic AI: The 3rd Wave
Artur d’Avila Garcez, Luis C. Lamb
Submitted to arXiv on: 10 December 2020

Abstract: Current advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have achieved unprecedented impact across research communities and industry. Nevertheless, concerns about trust, safety, interpretability and accountability of AI were raised by influential thinkers. Many have identified the need for well-founded knowledge representation and reasoning to be integrated with deep learning and for sound explainability. Neural-symbolic computing has been an active area of research for many years seeking to bring together robust learning in neural networks with reasoning and explainability via symbolic representations for network models. In this paper, we relate recent and early research results in neurosymbolic AI with the objective of identifying the key ingredients of the next wave of AI systems. We focus on research that integrates in a principled way neural network-based learning with symbolic knowledge representation and logical reasoning. The insights provided by 20 years of neural-symbolic computing are shown to shed new light onto the increasingly prominent role of trust, safety, interpretability and accountability of AI. We also identify promising directions and challenges for the next decade of AI research from the perspective of neural-symbolic systems.

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Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis
Patrick Esser, Robin Rombach, Björn Ommer
Submitted to arXiv on: 17 December 2020

Abstract: Designed to learn long-range interactions on sequential data, transformers continue to show state-of-the-art results on a wide variety of tasks. In contrast to CNNs, they contain no inductive bias that prioritizes local interactions. This makes them expressive, but also computationally infeasible for long sequences, such as high-resolution images. We demonstrate how combining the effectiveness of the inductive bias of CNNs with the expressivity of transformers enables them to model and thereby synthesize high-resolution images. We show how to (i) use CNNs to learn a context-rich vocabulary of image constituents, and in turn (ii) utilize transformers to efficiently model their composition within high-resolution images. Our approach is readily applied to conditional synthesis tasks, where both non-spatial information, such as object classes, and spatial information, such as segmentations, can control the generated image. In particular, we present the first results on semantically-guided synthesis of megapixel images with transformers. Project page at this https URL.

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Towards Fully Automated Manga Translation
Ryota Hinami, Shonosuke Ishiwatari, Kazuhiko Yasuda, Yusuke Matsui
Submitted to arXiv on: 28 December 2020

Abstract: We tackle the problem of machine translation of manga, Japanese comics. Manga translation involves two important problems in machine translation: context-aware and multimodal translation. Since text and images are mixed up in an unstructured fashion in Manga, obtaining context from the image is essential for manga translation. However, it is still an open problem how to extract context from image and integrate into MT models. In addition, corpus and benchmarks to train and evaluate such model is currently unavailable. In this paper, we make the following four contributions that establishes the foundation of manga translation research. First, we propose multimodal context-aware translation framework. We are the first to incorporate context information obtained from manga image. It enables us to translate texts in speech bubbles that cannot be translated without using context information (e.g., texts in other speech bubbles, gender of speakers, etc.). Second, for training the model, we propose the approach to automatic corpus construction from pairs of original manga and their translations, by which large parallel corpus can be constructed without any manual labeling. Third, we created a new benchmark to evaluate manga translation. Finally, on top of our proposed methods, we devised a first comprehensive system for fully automated manga translation.

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SceneFormer: Indoor Scene Generation with Transformers
Xinpeng Wang, Chandan Yeshwanth, Matthias Nießner
Submitted to arXiv on: 17 December 2020

Abstract: The task of indoor scene generation is to generate a sequence of objects, their locations and orientations conditioned on the shape and size of a room. Large scale indoor scene datasets allow us to extract patterns from user-designed indoor scenes and then generate new scenes based on these patterns. Existing methods rely on the 2D or 3D appearance of these scenes in addition to object positions, and make assumptions about the possible relations between objects. In contrast, we do not use any appearance information, and learn relations between objects using the self attention mechanism of transformers. We show that this leads to faster scene generation compared to existing methods with the same or better levels of realism. We build simple and effective generative models conditioned on the room shape, and on text descriptions of the room using only the cross-attention mechanism of transformers. We carried out a user study showing that our generated scenes are preferred over DeepSynth scenes 57.7% of the time for bedroom scenes, and 63.3% for living room scenes. In addition, we generate a scene in 1.48 seconds on average, 20% faster than the state of the art method Fast & Flexible, allowing interactive scene generation.

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Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning with Diff Pruning
Demi Guo, Alexander M. Rush, Yoon Kim
Submitted to arXiv on: 14 December 2020

Abstract: While task-specific finetuning of pretrained networks has led to significant empirical advances in NLP, the large size of networks makes finetuning difficult to deploy in multi-task, memory-constrained settings. We propose diff pruning as a simple approach to enable parameter-efficient transfer learning within the pretrain-finetune framework. This approach views finetuning as learning a task-specific diff vector that is applied on top of the pretrained parameter vector, which remains fixed and is shared across different tasks. The diff vector is adaptively pruned during training with a differentiable approximation to the L0-norm penalty to encourage sparsity. Diff pruning becomes parameter-efficient as the number of tasks increases, as it requires storing only the nonzero positions and weights of the diff vector for each task, while the cost of storing the shared pretrained model remains constant. It further does not require access to all tasks during training, which makes it attractive in settings where tasks arrive in stream or the set of tasks is unknown. We find that models finetuned with diff pruning can match the performance of fully finetuned baselines on the GLUE benchmark while only modifying 0.5% of the pretrained model’s parameters per task.

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Learning Energy-Based Models by Diffusion Recovery Likelihood
Ruiqi Gao, Yang Song, Ben Poole, Ying Nian Wu, Diederik P. Kingma
Submitted to arXiv on: 15 December 2020

Abstract: While energy-based models (EBMs) exhibit a number of desirable properties, training and sampling on high-dimensional datasets remains challenging. Inspired by recent progress on diffusion probabilistic models, we present a diffusion recovery likelihood method to tractably learn and sample from a sequence of EBMs trained on increasingly noisy versions of a dataset. Each EBM is trained by maximizing the recovery likelihood: the conditional probability of the data at a certain noise level given their noisy versions at a higher noise level. The recovery likelihood objective is more tractable than the marginal likelihood objective, since it only requires MCMC sampling from a relatively concentrated conditional distribution. Moreover, we show that this estimation method is theoretically consistent: it learns the correct conditional and marginal distributions at each noise level, given sufficient data. After training, synthesized images can be generated efficiently by a sampling process that initializes from a spherical Gaussian distribution and progressively samples the conditional distributions at decreasingly lower noise levels. Our method generates high fidelity samples on various image datasets. On unconditional CIFAR-10 our method achieves FID 9.60 and inception score 8.58, superior to the majority of GANs. Moreover, we demonstrate that unlike previous work on EBMs, our long-run MCMC samples from the conditional distributions do not diverge and still represent realistic images, allowing us to accurately estimate the normalized density of data even for high-dimensional datasets.

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MPG: A Multi-ingredient Pizza Image Generator with Conditional StyleGANs
Fangda Han, Guoyao Hao, Ricardo Guerrero, Vladimir Pavlovic
Submitted to arXiv on: 4 December 2020

Abstract: Multilabel conditional image generation is a challenging problem in computer vision. In this work we propose Multi-ingredient Pizza Generator (MPG), a conditional Generative Neural Network (GAN) framework for synthesizing multilabel images. We design MPG based on a state-of-the-art GAN structure called StyleGAN2, in which we develop a new conditioning technique by enforcing intermediate feature maps to learn scalewise label information. Because of the complex nature of the multilabel image generation problem, we also regularize synthetic image by predicting the corresponding ingredients as well as encourage the discriminator to distinguish between matched image and mismatched image. To verify the efficacy of MPG, we test it on Pizza10, which is a carefully annotated multi-ingredient pizza image dataset. MPG can successfully generate photo-realist pizza images with desired ingredients. The framework can be easily extend to other multilabel image generation scenarios.

37 tweets


Lucy Smith is Senior Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith is Senior Managing Editor for AIhub.

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