
Hot papers on arXiv from the past month: April 2021

05 May 2021

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AIhub arXiv roundup

What’s hot on arXiv? Here are the most tweeted papers that were uploaded onto arXiv during April 2021.

Results are powered by Arxiv Sanity Preserver.

Representation Learning for Networks in Biology and Medicine: Advancements, Challenges, and Opportunities
Michelle M. Li, Kexin Huang, Marinka Zitnik
Submitted to arXiv on: 11 April 2021

Abstract: With the remarkable success of representation learning in providing powerful predictions and data insights, we have witnessed a rapid expansion of representation learning techniques into modeling, analysis, and learning with networks. Biomedical networks are universal descriptors of systems of interacting elements, from protein interactions to disease networks, all the way to healthcare systems and scientific knowledge. In this review, we put forward an observation that long-standing principles of network biology and medicine — while often unspoken in machine learning research — can provide the conceptual grounding for representation learning, explain its current successes and limitations, and inform future advances. We synthesize a spectrum of algorithmic approaches that, at their core, leverage topological features to embed networks into compact vector spaces. We also provide a taxonomy of biomedical areas that are likely to benefit most from algorithmic innovation. Representation learning techniques are becoming essential for identifying causal variants underlying complex traits, disentangling behaviors of single cells and their impact on health, and diagnosing and treating diseases with safe and effective medicines.

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Cross-validation: what does it estimate and how well does it do it?
Stephen Bates, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
Submitted to arXiv on: 1 April 2021

Abstract: Cross-validation is a widely-used technique to estimate prediction error, but its behavior is complex and not fully understood. Ideally, one would like to think that cross-validation estimates the prediction error for the model at hand, fit to the training data. We prove that this is not the case for the linear model fit by ordinary least squares; rather it estimates the average prediction error of models fit on other unseen training sets drawn from the same population. We further show that this phenomenon occurs for most popular estimates of prediction error, including data splitting, bootstrapping, and Mallow’s Cp. Next, the standard confidence intervals for prediction error derived from cross-validation may have coverage far below the desired level. Because each data point is used for both training and testing, there are correlations among the measured accuracies for each fold, and so the usual estimate of variance is too small. We introduce a nested cross-validation scheme to estimate this variance more accurately, and show empirically that this modification leads to intervals with approximately correct coverage in many examples where traditional cross-validation intervals fail. Lastly, our analysis also shows that when producing confidence intervals for prediction accuracy with simple data splitting, one should not re-fit the model on the combined data, since this invalidates the confidence intervals.

97 tweets

Scaling Scaling Laws with Board Games
Andy L. Jones
Submitted to arXiv on: 7 April 2021

Abstract: The largest experiments in machine learning now require resources far beyond the budget of all but a few institutions. Fortunately, it has recently been shown that the results of these huge experiments can often be extrapolated from the results of a sequence of far smaller, cheaper experiments. In this work, we show that not only can the extrapolation be done based on the size of the model, but on the size of the problem as well. By conducting a sequence of experiments using AlphaZero and Hex, we show that the performance achievable with a fixed amount of compute degrades predictably as the game gets larger and harder. Along with our main result, we further show that the test-time and train-time compute available to an agent can be traded off while maintaining performance.

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EfficientNetV2: Smaller Models and Faster Training
Mingxing Tan, Quoc V. Le
Submitted to arXiv on: 1 April 2021

Abstract: This paper introduces EfficientNetV2, a new family of convolutional networks that have faster training speed and better parameter efficiency than previous models. To develop this family of models, we use a combination of training-aware neural architecture search and scaling, to jointly optimize training speed and parameter efficiency. The models were searched from the search space enriched with new ops such as Fused-MBConv. Our experiments show that EfficientNetV2 models train much faster than state-of-the-art models while being up to 6.8x smaller. Our training can be further sped up by progressively increasing the image size during training, but it often causes a drop in accuracy. To compensate for this accuracy drop, we propose to adaptively adjust regularization (e.g., dropout and data augmentation) as well, such that we can achieve both fast training and good accuracy. With progressive learning, our EfficientNetV2 significantly outperforms previous models on ImageNet and CIFAR/Cars/Flowers datasets. By pretraining on the same ImageNet21k, our EfficientNetV2 achieves 87.3% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet ILSVRC2012, outperforming the recent ViT by 2.0% accuracy while training 5x-11x faster using the same computing resources. Code will be available at this https URL.

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SiT: Self-supervised vIsion Transformer
Sara Atito, Muhammad Awais, Josef Kittler
Submitted to arXiv on: 8 April 2021

Abstract: Self-supervised learning methods are gaining increasing traction in computer vision due to their recent success in reducing the gap with supervised learning. In natural language processing (NLP) self-supervised learning and transformers are already the methods of choice. The recent literature suggests that the transformers are becoming increasingly popular also in computer vision. So far, the vision transformers have been shown to work well when pretrained either using a large scale supervised data or with some kind of co-supervision, e.g. in terms of teacher network. These supervised pretrained vision transformers achieve very good results in downstream tasks with minimal changes. In this work we investigate the merits of self-supervised learning for pretraining image/vision transformers and then using them for downstream classification tasks. We propose Self-supervised vIsion Transformers (SiT) and discuss several self-supervised training mechanisms to obtain a pretext model. The architectural flexibility of SiT allows us to use it as an autoencoder and work with multiple self-supervised tasks seamlessly. We show that a pretrained SiT can be finetuned for a downstream classification task on small scale datasets, consisting of a few thousand images rather than several millions. The proposed approach is evaluated on standard datasets using common protocols. The results demonstrate the strength of the transformers and their suitability for self-supervised learning. We outperformed existing self-supervised learning methods by large margin. We also observed that SiT is good for few shot learning and also showed that it is learning useful representation by simply training a linear classifier on top of the learned features from SiT. Pretraining, finetuning, and evaluation codes will be available under: this https URL.

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GANcraft: Unsupervised 3D Neural Rendering of Minecraft Worlds
Zekun Hao, Arun Mallya, Serge Belongie, Ming-Yu Liu
Submitted to arXiv on: 15 April 2021

Abstract: We present GANcraft, an unsupervised neural rendering framework for generating photorealistic images of large 3D block worlds such as those created in Minecraft. Our method takes a semantic block world as input, where each block is assigned a semantic label such as dirt, grass, or water. We represent the world as a continuous volumetric function and train our model to render view-consistent photorealistic images for a user-controlled camera. In the absence of paired ground truth real images for the block world, we devise a training technique based on pseudo-ground truth and adversarial training. This stands in contrast to prior work on neural rendering for view synthesis, which requires ground truth images to estimate scene geometry and view-dependent appearance. In addition to camera trajectory, GANcraft allows user control over both scene semantics and output style. Experimental results with comparison to strong baselines show the effectiveness of GANcraft on this novel task of photorealistic 3D block world synthesis. The project website is available at this https URL.

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What Will it Take to Fix Benchmarking in Natural Language Understanding?
Samuel R. Bowman, George E. Dahl
Submitted to arXiv on: 5 April 2021

Abstract: Evaluation for many natural language understanding (NLU) tasks is broken: Unreliable and biased systems score so highly on standard benchmarks that there is little room for researchers who develop better systems to demonstrate their improvements. The recent trend to abandon IID benchmarks in favor of adversarially-constructed, out-of-distribution test sets ensures that current models will perform poorly, but ultimately only obscures the abilities that we want our benchmarks to measure. In this position paper, we lay out four criteria that we argue NLU benchmarks should meet. We argue most current benchmarks fail at these criteria, and that adversarial data collection does not meaningfully address the causes of these failures. Instead, restoring a healthy evaluation ecosystem will require significant progress in the design of benchmark datasets, the reliability with which they are annotated, their size, and the ways they handle social bias.

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NeRF-VAE: A Geometry Aware 3D Scene Generative Model
Adam R. Kosiorek, Heiko Strathmann, Daniel Zoran, Pol Moreno, Rosalia Schneider, Soňa Mokrá, Danilo J. Rezende
Submitted to arXiv on: 1 April 2021

Abstract: We propose NeRF-VAE, a 3D scene generative model that incorporates geometric structure via NeRF and differentiable volume rendering. In contrast to NeRF, our model takes into account shared structure across scenes, and is able to infer the structure of a novel scene — without the need to re-train — using amortized inference. NeRF-VAE’s explicit 3D rendering process further contrasts previous generative models with convolution-based rendering which lacks geometric structure. Our model is a VAE that learns a distribution over radiance fields by conditioning them on a latent scene representation. We show that, once trained, NeRF-VAE is able to infer and render geometrically-consistent scenes from previously unseen 3D environments using very few input images. We further demonstrate that NeRF-VAE generalizes well to out-of-distribution cameras, while convolutional models do not. Finally, we introduce and study an attention-based conditioning mechanism of NeRF-VAE’s decoder, which improves model performance.

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Keyword Transformer: A Self-Attention Model for Keyword Spotting
Axel Berg, Mark O’Connor, Miguel Tairum Cruz
Submitted to arXiv on: 1 April 2021

Abstract: The Transformer architecture has been successful across many domains, including natural language processing, computer vision and speech recognition. In keyword spotting, self-attention has primarily been used on top of convolutional or recurrent encoders. We investigate a range of ways to adapt the Transformer architecture to keyword spotting and introduce the Keyword Transformer (KWT), a fully self-attentional architecture that exceeds state-of-the-art performance across multiple tasks without any pre-training or additional data. Surprisingly, this simple architecture outperforms more complex models that mix convolutional, recurrent and attentive layers. KWT can be used as a drop-in replacement for these models, setting two new benchmark records on the Google Speech Commands dataset with 98.6% and 97.7% accuracy on the 12 and 35-command tasks respectively.

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On the Inductive Bias of Masked Language Modeling: From Statistical to Syntactic Dependencies
Tianyi Zhang, Tatsunori Hashimoto
Submitted to arXiv on: 12 April 2021

Abstract: We study how masking and predicting tokens in an unsupervised fashion can give rise to linguistic structures and downstream performance gains. Recent theories have suggested that pretrained language models acquire useful inductive biases through masks that implicitly act as cloze reductions for downstream tasks. While appealing, we show that the success of the random masking strategy used in practice cannot be explained by such cloze-like masks alone. We construct cloze-like masks using task-specific lexicons for three different classification datasets and show that the majority of pretrained performance gains come from generic masks that are not associated with the lexicon. To explain the empirical success of these generic masks, we demonstrate a correspondence between the Masked Language Model (MLM) objective and existing methods for learning statistical dependencies in graphical models. Using this, we derive a method for extracting these learned statistical dependencies in MLMs and show that these dependencies encode useful inductive biases in the form of syntactic structures. In an unsupervised parsing evaluation, simply forming a minimum spanning tree on the implied statistical dependence structure outperforms a classic method for unsupervised parsing (58.74 vs. 55.91 UUAS).

33 tweets


Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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