
The Machine Ethics Podcast: What is AI?

24 June 2021

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What is AI? Machine ethics podcast
Hosted by Ben Byford, The Machine Ethics Podcast brings together interviews with academics, authors, business leaders, designers and engineers on the subject of autonomous algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and technology’s impact on society.

What is AI? 2

This episode is our second bonus compilation of answers from previous years of interviews asking the question: What is AI? We hear from past interviewees Jess Smith, Rishal Hurbans, Jacob Turner, Cennydd Bowles, Joanna J Bryson, Damien Williams, Olivia Gamelin, David Gunkel, Bertram Malle, David Yakobovitch, Luciano Floridi and Lydia Nicholas.

Listen to the episode here:

What is AI? 1

You can also listen to the first compilation of answers, featuring Cosima Gretton, Matthew Channon, Rob Wortham, Michael Ludden, Greg Edwards, Luciano Floridi, Christopher Noessel, Andy Budd, Damien Williams and Miranda Mowbray.

About The Machine Ethics podcast

This podcast was created, and is run by, Ben Byford and collaborators. Over the last few years the podcast has grown into a place of discussion and dissemination of important ideas, not only in AI but in tech ethics generally.

The goal is to promote debate concerning technology and society, and to foster the production of technology (and in particular: decision making algorithms) that promote human ideals.

Ben Byford is a AI ethics consultant, code, design and data science teacher, freelance games designer with over 10 years of design and coding experience building websites, apps, and games. In 2015 he began talking on AI ethics and started the Machine Ethics podcast. Since then, Ben has talked with academics, developers, doctors, novelists and designers about AI, automation and society.

Join in the conversation with us by getting in touch via email here or following us on Twitter and Instagram.

The Machine Ethics Podcast

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