
CLAIRE and ELLIS receive German AI Prize 2021

04 October 2021

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Holger Hoos and Nuria Oliver receive the Innovation AwardHolger Hoos and Nuria Oliver receive the Innovation Award, on behalf of CLAIRE and ELLIS, in Berlin on 30 September. Photo credit: Christian Hahn.

The Confederation of Laboratories for AI Research in Europe (CLAIRE), and the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) have been awarded the 2021 German AI Prize Innovation Award.

The German AI Prize (“Deutscher KI-Preis”), awarded by WELT, a German daily newspaper, is the one the largest awards of its kind in Europe and is made up of three categories: the “Innovationspreis” (Innovation Award), the “Anwenderpreis” (User Award) and the “KI-Start-up-Preis” (AI Start-Up Prize).

On awarding the 100,000 euro prize to CLAIRE and ELLIS, the jury noted that both networks were supported by outstanding scientists, and are expanding the European position in research based on human-centred values.

Professor Holger Hoos (Leiden University), one of the co-founders and chair of the board of directors of CLAIRE said: “We are delighted to see our vision and work for European excellence in AI recognised so prominently, and to share this important award with our colleagues in ELLIS, many of whom are also affiliated with CLAIRE”.

Professor Philipp Slusallek (DFKI, Germany), Director of Strategy and co-founder of CLAIRE, added: “We strongly believe that more cooperation and joint projects between CLAIRE and ELLIS as organisations would be extremely beneficial for the German and European AI landscape. Not only are we stronger together, but we are deeply convinced that Germany and Europe can only survive global competition in AI and its many applications through a joint, well-orchestrated effort by the large and diverse AI ecosystem.”


The Confederation of Laboratories for AI Research in Europe (CLAIRE) is an organisation created by the European AI community that seeks to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation, with a strong focus on human-centred AI. CLAIRE aims to ensure that societies and citizens across all of Europe, and beyond, benefit from AI as a major driver of innovation, future growth and competitiveness, and to achieve world-wide brand recognition for “AI made in Europe”.


The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) is a pan-European non-profit organization for the promotion of artificial intelligence with a focus on machine learning. The organization’s goal is to establish top AI research institutes, strengthen basic research and create a European PhD programme for AI.

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