
What’s coming up at #AAAI2022?

15 February 2022

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AAAI2022 banner
The 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2022) starts on Tuesday 22 February and runs until Tuesday 1 March. Find out about some of the main events that are taking place throughout the virtual conference.

Invited speakers

AAAI have announced the following distinguished invited speakers at this year’s conference.

  • Cynthia Rudin – Interpretable machine learning: bringing data science out of the “Dark Age”
  • Andrew Ng – The data-centric AI
  • Marta Kwiatkowska – Safety and robustness for deep learning with provable guarantees
  • Michael Littman – Gathering strength, gathering storms: the one hundred year study on artificial intelligence (AI100) 2021 study panel report
  • Francesca Rossi – Thinking fast and slow in AI
  • Patrick Schnable – Advancing agricultural genome to phenome research
  • David Touretzky, Christina Gardner-McCune, Fred Martin, and Deborah Seehorn – You know AI has arrived when we’re teaching it in elementary school

Diversity and inclusion program

The diversity and inclusion events take place throughout the week. Click on the links below to find out more details about each event.


There are 39 different workshops and these will take place on 28 February and 1 March. Click on the workshop titles below to find out more information.

Tutorial forum

The tutorial forum will take place on 23 February. The events planned are as follows:

  • Hate Speech: detection, mitigation and beyond
  • Explanations in interactive machine learning
  • Formal verification of deep neural networks: theory and practice
  • Time series in healthcare: challenges and solutions
  • Recent advances in multi-agent path finding
  • Automated synthesis: towards the holy grail of AI
  • Bayesian optimization: from foundations to advanced topics
  • Subset selection in machine Learning: theory, applications, and hands on
  • AI planning: theory and practice
  • Neuro-symbolic methods for language and vision
  • Deep learning on graphs for natural language processing
  • Causal inference from relational data
  • Ethics in sociotechnical systems
  • Reasoning on knowledge graphs: symbolic or neural?
  • Adversarial machine learning for good
  • Automated learning from graph-structured data
  • On Explainable AI: from theory to motivation, industrial applications, XAI coding & engineering practices
  • Fairness in clustering
  • Pre-trained language representations for text mining
  • Automated negotiation: challenges, approaches, & tools
  • Gromov-Wasserstein learning for structured data modeling
  • New trends in mechanism design for considering participants’ interactions

Find out more information about the tutorial forum here.

Other events and useful links

The 34th annual conference on innovative applications of artificial intelligence
(IAAI-22) will take place from 24-26 February. View the program here.

The 12th symposium on educational advances in artificial intelligence (EAAI-22) with take place on 26-27 February. View the program here.

A pdf of the AAAI-22 accepted papers can be found here.

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Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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