
Edith Elkind wins the 2023 ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award

13 February 2023

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Congratulations to Edith Elkind on winning the 2023 ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award. This prestigious award is made for excellence in research in the area of autonomous agents. It is intended to recognize researchers in autonomous agents whose current work is an important influence on the field.

The award selection committee recognised Edith for “her significant research contributions in computational social choice and algorithms for cooperative games, and extraordinary service to the community”. Her work provides fundamental understanding of economic paradigms in multiagent systems, with a particular focus on computational social choice and game theory. She has made important contributions to the computational analysis of cooperative games, as well as to the studies of structured domains in elections, and hedonic games.

Edith is also recognised for her service to the community. Among many other roles, she has served both as a program chair and a general chair for AAMAS (Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems), and as a program chair for IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence), ACM EC (ACM Conference on Economics and Computation), WINE (International Conference on Web and Internet Economics), and COMSOC (International workshop on Computational Social Choice).

One of Edith’s research topics concerns the allocation of fair shares of land. You can find out more in this blog post which describes work which won Edith and her colleagues an IJCAI 2021 distinguished paper award.

Congratulations once again to Edith!


Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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