
Forthcoming machine learning and AI seminars: April 2023 edition

11 April 2023

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This post contains a list of the AI-related seminars that are scheduled to take place between 11 April and 31 May 2023. All events detailed here are free and open for anyone to attend virtually.

11 April 2023

Learning in Stochastic Games
Speaker: Muhammed Omer Sayin (Bilkent University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Register here.

12 April 2023

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Mohsen Mosleh
Organised by: New York University
The recording will be available here following the event.

17 April 2023

Tactical Planning under Imperfect Information: A Fast Matheuristic for Two-Stage Stochastic Programs Through Supervised Learning
Speaker: Emma Frejinger (Université de Montréal)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: John Dudley (University of Cambridge)
Organised by: Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine
Visit the website for instructions on how to join.

19 April 2023

On motor intelligence for continuum soft robots
Speaker: Cosimo Della Santina (TU Delft)
Organised by: EPFL
Zoom link is here.

20 April 2023

Learning Manifold-Structured Data using Deep Neural Networks: Theory and Applications
Speaker: Rongjie Lai (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Unfolding Local Growth Rate Estimates for(Almost) Perfect Adversarial Detection
Speaker: Peter Lorenz (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Organised by: Fraunhofer ITWM
Registration link will be available here nearer the time.

24 April 2023

Bridging Matching, Regression, and Weighting as Mathematical Programs for Causal Inference
Speaker: José Ramón Zubizarreta (Harvard University)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

25 April 2023

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Jennifer Kuo (University of Minnesota)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Check the website nearer the time for the Zoom link to join.

AI Ethics: Pausing AI? The Ethics, History, Epistemology, and Strategy of Technological Restraint
Speaker: Matthijs Maas
Organised by: Chalmers AI Research Centre
Register here.

27 April 2023

Deep Reinforcement Learning based Integrated Guidance and Control for a Launcher Landing Problem
Speaker: Paulo Rosa (Deimos)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Tricks in Convolution Weight Space
Speaker: Paul Gavrikov (Hochschule Offenburg, Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics (IMLA))
Organised by: Fraunhofer ITWM
Registration link will be available here nearer the time.

2 May 2023

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Elad Romanov (Stanford University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Check the website nearer the time for the Zoom link to join.

3 May 2023

Machine Learning Prediction of Global Ionospheric TEC and High-latitude ROTI Maps
Speaker: Lei Liu
Organised by: University of Colorado, Boulder
Vimeo link here.

4 May 2023

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: To be confirmed
Organised by: I can’t believe it’s not better (ICBINB)
Check the website nearer the time for instructions on how to join.

Mathematics for data science and AI – curriculum design, experiences, and lessons learned
Speaker: Diogo Gomes (KAUST)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Rethinking DNNs in the Frequency Domain
Speaker: Julia Grabinski (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Organised by: Fraunhofer ITWM
Registration link will be available here nearer the time.

11 May 2023

Exhaustive Symbolic Regression (or how to find the best function for your data)
Speaker: Harry Desmond (University of Portsmouth)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for Climate Downscaling
Speaker: Paula Harder (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Organised by: Fraunhofer ITWM
Registration link will be available here nearer the time.

16 May 2023

Deep Reinforcement Learning
Speaker: Klaus Dorer (Hochschule Offenburg)
Organised by: Fraunhofer ITWM
Registration link will be available here nearer the time.

25 May 2023

Deep Learning for Seismic Applications
Speaker: Ricard Durall (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Organised by: Fraunhofer ITWM
Registration link will be available here nearer the time.

To see past and forthcoming events for 2023, please see our dedicated 2023 seminar page.

If you’d like to visit the webpages of the universities and other organisations that are running regular programmes of seminars, then click here to see our list.

If you are aware of any seminars (both standalone and series) that we’ve missed then please just send us an email and we’ll add them to the list.

Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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