
The Good Robot podcast: the EU AI Act part 1, with Caterina and Daniel from Access Now

16 September 2024

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Hosted by Eleanor Drage and Kerry Mackereth, The Good Robot is a podcast which explores the many complex intersections between gender, feminism and technology. In this episode, Daniel Leufer and Caterina Rodelli talk about the EU AI Act.

The EU AI Act part 1, with Caterina Rodelli and Daniel Leufer from Access Now

In this episode, we talk to Daniel Leufer and Caterina Rodelli from Access Now, a global advocacy organization that focuses on the impact of the digital on human rights. As leaders in this field, they’ve been working hard to ensure that the European Union’s AI Act doesn’t undermine human rights or indeed fundamental democratic values. They share with us how the EU AI act was put together, the Act’s particular downfalls, and where the opportunities are for us as citizens or as digital rights activists to get involved and make sure that it’s upheld by companies across the world.

Note: this episode was recorded back in February 2024.

Listen to the episode here:

Daniel is a Senior Policy Analyst at Access Now’s Brussels office and Emerging Technologies Policy Lead. His work focuses on the impact of emerging technologies on digital rights, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence (AI), facial recognition, and biometrics. While he was a Mozilla Fellow, he developed aimyths.org, a website that gathers resources to tackle myths and misconceptions about AI. He has a PhD in Philosophy from KU Leuven in Belgium and is a member of the OECD Expert Group on AI Futures.

Caterina is EU Policy Analyst at Access Now. She works on issues related to biometric surveillance, artificial intelligence, privacy, and her main focus is around the intersection between technology, borders and the rights of people on the move. Previously, Caterina advised in some strategic litigation cases challenging EU migration policies in the Central Mediterranean and in Libya. She worked and volunteered for several NGOs that supports migrants’ rights, as the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), in Belgium, and Mobile Info Team for Refugees, in Greece. Caterina holds an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Cooperation Studies in the Mediterranean region, from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, University of Ca Foscari of Venice and Université Paul Valéry III of Montpellier.

You can find the episode reading list and transcript here.

About The Good Robot Podcast

Dr Eleanor Drage and Dr Kerry Mackereth are Research Associates at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, where they work on the Mercator-Stiflung funded project on Desirable Digitalisation. Previously, they were Christina Gaw Postdoctoral Researchers in Gender and Technology at the University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies. During the COVID-19 pandemic they decided to co-found The Good Robot Podcast to explore the many complex intersections between gender, feminism and technology.

The Good Robot Podcast

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