
Recent and forthcoming machine learning and AI seminars: February 2021 edition

15 February 2021

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AI seminars

This post contains a list of the AI-related seminars that are scheduled to take place between now and the end of March 2021. We’ve also listed recent past seminars that are available for you to watch. All events detailed here are free and open for anyone to attend virtually.

Upcoming events

This list includes forthcoming seminars scheduled to take place between 15 February and 31 March.

15 February 2021

GPU computing for large-scale learning in state space models
Speaker: Simo Särkkä (Aalto University)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
Watch here.

17 February 2021

Dealing with correlated variables in supervised learning
Speaker: Thomas Strohmer (University of California, Davis)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Join via Zoom here.

18 February 2021

A tale of adversarial attacks & out-of-distribution detection stories
Speaker: Celia Cintas (IBM Research Africa)
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Watch the livestream here, or check the website a few days beforehand for the Zoom link.

Why Do ML Models Fail?
Speaker: Aleksander Madry (MIT)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

19 February 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Chelsea Finn (Stanford University)
Organised by: University College London
Zoom link is here.

Individual and social processes in image description generation
Speaker: Raquel Fernández (University of Amsterdam)
Organised by: Cornell University
Zoom link not yet available.

22 February 2021

Clustering and interpreting via means of mathematical optimization
Speaker: Kseniia Kurishchenko (Copenhagen Business School)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend the seminar here.

Adaptive hyper-box matching for interpretable individualized treatment effect estimation
Speaker: Marco Morucci (Duke University)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend the seminar here.

Machine learning of drug combination responses
Speaker: Juho Rousu (Aalto University)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
Zoom link not yet available.

23 February 2021

From ethics washing to ethics bashing: viewing tech ethics from within moral philosophy
Speaker: Elettra Bietti (Harvard Law School)
Organised by: Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
YouTube livestream here.

Ultrametric Gromov-Hausdorff and Gromov-Wasserstein distances
Speaker: Facundo Mémoli (The Ohio State University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Register here.

24 February 2021

Finding the doctor in biomedical informatics
Speaker: Isaac Kohane (Harvard University)
Organised by: Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine
Register here.

Indigenous protocols and artificial intelligence
Speaker: Suzanne Kite and Scott Benesiinaabandan
Organised by: Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
YouTube livestream here.

25 February 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Richard Baraniuk (Rice University)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

26 February 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Sameer Singh (University of California, Irvine)
Organised by: Cornell University
Zoom link not yet available.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Greg Yang (Microsoft Research)
Organised by: University College London
Zoom link is here.

1 March 2021

Automatic understanding of the visual world
Speaker: Cordelia Schmid (Inria)
Organised by: EPFL
Zoom link is here.

“Improving” prediction of human behavior using behavior modification
Speaker: Galit Shmueli (National Tsing Hua University Taiwan)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Robert Logan (University of California, Irvine)
Organised by: University of California, Irvine
Watch the livestream on YouTube here.

2 March 2021

Understanding the failure modes of out-of-distribution generalization
Speaker: Vaishnavh Nagarajan (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

AI Ethics online: Trustworthy AI-integrating, learning, optimization and reasoning
Speaker: Fredrik Heintz (Linköping University)
Organised by: Chalmers University of Technology
Find the YouTube channel where talks are collected here.

Coordinate methods for solving eigenvalue problems in high dimensions
Speaker: Jianfeng Lu (Duke University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Register here.

Minimax regret for stochastic shortest path with adversarial costs and known transition
Speaker: Liyu Chen (University of Southern California)
Organised by: RL theory
The seminar will be livestreamed here.

3 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Dorsa Sadigh (Stanford)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Watch here.

Model based control design combining Lyapunov and optimization tools: Examples in the area of motion control of autonomous robotic vehicles
Speaker: A. Pedro Aguiar (Universidade do Porto)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Ilya Kuzovkin (Offworld.ai)
Organised by: University of Maryland
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Siddharth Bhatia (National University of Singapore)
Organised by: New York University
Find out how to join here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Nicole Ludwig (Tuebingen University)
Organised by: Tuebingen University
Zoom link is here.

4 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Lillian Ratliff (University of Washington)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Terry Lyons (University of Oxford)
Organised by: University of Oxford
Zoom link not yet available. Recordings will appear on the seminar YouTube channel.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Sara Hooker
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to find out how to register for each seminar.

Rising star spotlights
Speaker: Shibani Shanturkar (MIT) and Victor Farias (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Join the mailing list for instructions on how to sign up, or check the website a few days beforehand for the Zoom link.

5 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Shuran Song (Columbia University)
Organised by: Cornell University
Zoom link not yet available.

Dealing with stagnation in your career: my machine learning story
Speaker: Mark Saroufim (Graphcore)
Organised by: University of San Francisco
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Nicholas Bishop (University of Southampton)
Organised by: University College London
Zoom link not yet available.

8 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Harri Lähdesmäki (Aalto University)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
The seminar will be available on YouTube here.

Cost-sensitive causal classification: novel methodologies and application in business analytics
Speaker: Sebastián Maldonado (Universidad de Chile)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

9 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Kayvon Fatahalian (Stanford University)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

AI Ethics online: How to develop and use AI responsibly
Speaker: Virginia Dignum (Umeå University)
Organised by: Chalmers University of Technology
Find the YouTube channel where talks are collected here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Nik Lomax (University of Leeds)
Organised by: University of Manchester
Sign up to the mailing list to receive information on joining the seminar.

What are the statistical limits of offline RL with linear function approximation?
Speaker: Ruosong Wang (CMU)
Organised by: RL theory
The seminar will be livestreamed here.

10 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Dana Pe’er (Sloan Kettering Institute)
Organised by: Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Benjamin Van Roy (Stanford)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Watch here.

Machine learning of robot skills
Speaker: Jan Peters (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

11 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Stefano Bertozzi and Juan Pablo Reyes (University of California, Berkeley)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

Determining the universe’s initial conditions
Speaker: David Spergel (Princeton University / Flatiron Institute)
Organised by: University of Oxford
Zoom link not yet available. Recordings will appear on the seminar YouTube channel.

Two talks. 1) Gaussian processes: a practical introduction. 2) Learning curves, artificial data synthesis
Speaker: Henk Kortier (Saxion University) and Beril Sirmacek (Jonkoping University)
Organised by: School of AI, The Netherlands
Sign up here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Fabio Petroni
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to find out how to register for each seminar.

12 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Chad Jenkins (University of Michigan)
Organised by: Robotics Today
Watch the seminar here.

15 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Samory K. Kpotufe
Organised by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Register here.

Ethical ML: mind the assumptions
Speaker: Isabel Valera (Saarland University and Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

16 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Raia Hadsell (DeepMind)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Faming Liang (Purdue University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Registration link not yet available.

Adaptive estimator selection for off-policy evaluation
Speaker: Yi Su (Cornell)
Organised by: RL theory
The seminar will be livestreamed here.

17 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Munther Dahleh (MIT)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Watch here.

Information-theoretic bounds on quantum advantage in machine learning
Speaker: Hsin Yuan Huang (Caltech)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Autonomous navigation of atratospheric balloons using reinforcement learning and the history of Atari games in reinforcement learning
Speaker: Marc Bellemare (Google Brain, MILA, McGill University)
Organised by: University of Maryland
Zoom link is here.

18 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

Graph generative adversarial networks for high energy physics data generation
Speaker: Raghav Kansal (University of California, San Diego)
Organised by: James Madison University
Register here

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Savin Goyal
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to find out how to register for each seminar.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Katherine Heller (Google/Duke University)
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Join the mailing list for instructions on how to sign up, or check the website a few days beforehand for the Zoom link.

19 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Shimon Whiteson (Waymo, University of Oxford)
Organised by: University College London
Zoom link not yet available.

22 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Aki Vehtari (Aalto University)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
The seminar will be available on YouTube here.

Contextual decision-making under uncertainty
Speaker: Juan Miguel Morales González and Salvador Pineda (Universidad de Málaga)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

23 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Le Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Ben Glocker (Imperial College London)
Organised by: University of Manchester
Sign up to the mailing list to receive information on joining the seminar.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Jeffrey Rosenthal (University of Toronto)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Registration link not yet available.

26 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Raia Hadsell (DeepMind)
Organised by: Robotics Today
Watch the seminar here.

29 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Weijie Su
Organised by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Register here.

30 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Been Kim (Google Brain)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Algorithmic governance: the promises and perils of government algorithms
Speaker: Ben Green (Michigan Society of Fellows)
Organised by: Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
YouTube livestream here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: John Wright (Columbia University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Registration link not yet available.

31 March 2021

Machine learning for fluid mechanics
Speaker: Steve Brunton (University of Washington)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Vlad Firoiu (MIT)
Organised by: University of Maryland
Zoom link is here.

Past events

This list includes completed seminars that took place between 1 January and 14 February.

11 January 2021

Towards reliable deep learning
Speaker: Florian Wenzel (Google Brain Berlin)
Organised by: University of California, Irvine
Watch the seminar here.

Rule generation for learning and interpretation
Speaker: Ilker Birbil (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Watch the seminar here.

12 January 2021

Deep learning approaches for modeling multi-scale chaos and geophysical turbulence
Speaker: Ashesh Chattopadhyay (Rice University/LBL)
Organised by: National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)
Watch here.

13 January 2021

The provable effectiveness of policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning and controls
Speaker: Sham Kakade (University of Washington)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Watch here.

14 January 2021

A Bayesian hierarchical network for combining heterogeneous data sources in medical diagnoses – with applications to COVID-19
Speaker: Claire Donnat (University of Chicago)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Watch here.

18 January 2021

Challenges in fraud analytics
Speaker: Bart Baesens (KU Leuven)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Watch here.

Training generative adversarial networks with limited data
Speaker: Tero Karras (NVIDIA)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
Watch here.

19 January 2021

Quantum compiler for classical dynamical systems
Speaker: Dimitris Giannakis (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Watch here.

Self-supervised representation learning for sky surveys
Speaker: Md. Abul Hayat (UARK/LBL), George Stein (UCB/LBL)
Organised by: National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)
Watch here.

20 January 2021

Neural networks and quantum field theory
Speaker: James Halverson (Northeastern University)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
The recording can be found here.

Data-enabled predictive control
Speaker: Florian Dörfler (ETH)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Watch here.

21 January 2021

Prediction data-driven decision-making in real world environments
Speaker: Zachery Lipton (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Watch here.

TinyML: reducing the carbon footprint of artificial intelligence in the internet of things
Speaker: Song Han
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Watch here.

25 January 2021

Visual recognition beyond appearances, and its robotic applications
Speaker: Yezhou Yang (Arizona State University)
Organised by: University of California, Irvine
Watch here.

Learning to play Clash Royale
Speaker: Rinu Boney (Aalto University)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
Watch here.

Using optimization to remove barriers for machine learning applications in power systems
Speaker: Spyros Chatzivasileiadis (DTU Center for Electric Power and Energy DTU)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Watch here.

26 January 2021

An optimal transport perspective on uncertainty propagation
Speaker: Amir Sagiv (Columbia University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Watch here.

27 January 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Xavier Bresson (Nanyang Technological University)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
The recording can be found here.

28 January 2021

Modeling and managing the spread of COVID-19
Speaker: Subhonmesh Bose (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Watch here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Travis Addair
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Watch here.

1 February 2021

Connecting variational autoencoders back to the brain
Speaker: Joe Marino (California Institute of Technology)
Organised by: University of California, Irvine
Watch on YouTube here.

What’s in a translation model? Analyzing neural seq2seq models and the representations they learn
Speaker: Jörg Tiedemann (University of Helsinki)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
Watch on YouTube here.

2 February 2021

Regression of functions on low-dimensional manifolds by neural networks
Speaker: Wenjing Liao (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
The talk slides are available here.

3 February 2021

Calling all citizen scientists: using Bayesian statistics to advance public input into scientific analysis
Speaker: Kerrie Mengersen (Queensland University of Technology)
Organised by: Chalmers University of Technology
Watch the recording here.

Safe, interaction-aware decision making and control for robot autonomy
Speaker: Marco Pavone (Stanford)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Watch the seminar here.

4 February 2021

Involving stakeholders in building fair ML systems
Speaker: Steven Wu (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Watch the seminar here.

Triaging of COVID-19 patients from audio-visual cues
Speaker: Narendra Ahuja (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Watch here.

A missing link in the ML infrastructure stack?
Speaker: Josh Tobin
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Watch here.

8 February 2021

Global governance of AI: more important than ever
Speaker: Kay Firth-Butterfield (World Economic Forum)
Organised by: EPFL
Watch here.

Optimization of optimal sparse decision trees
Speaker: Cynthia Rudin (Duke University)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Watch here.

Steering distortions to preserve classes and neighbors in supervised dimensionality reduction, and Probabilistic dynamic non-negative group factor model for multi-source text mining
Speaker: Jaakko Peltonen (Tampere University)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
Watch here.

Decomposition Bounds for Influence Diagrams
Speaker: Junkyu Lee (IBM Research)
Organised by: University of California, Irvine
Watch on YouTube here.

9 February 2021

Combatting anti-Blackness in the AI community
Speaker: Devin Guillory (UC Berkeley)
Organised by: Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
Watch here.

11 February 2021

Scoring drugs: small molecule drug discovery for COVID-19 using physics-inspired machine learning
Speaker: Teresa Head-Gordon (UC Berkeley)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

12 February 2021

Equitable climate mitigation
Speaker: Sergio Castellanos (UT Austin), Donnel Baird (BlocPower), Doris Han (BlocPower)
Organised by: Climate Change AI
Watch here.

For a more complete list, including past events back to June 2020, please see our dedicated seminar page.

If you’d like to visit the webpages of the universities and other organisations that are running regular programmes of seminars, then click here to see our list.

If you are aware of any seminars (both standalone and series) that we’ve missed then please just send us an email and we’ll add them to the list.

Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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