
Forthcoming machine learning and AI seminars: March 2021 edition

15 March 2021

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AI seminars

This post contains a list of the AI-related seminars that are scheduled to take place between 15 March and 30 April 2021. All events detailed here are free and open for anyone to attend virtually.

15 March 2021

Some recent insights on transfer-learning
Speaker: Samory K. Kpotufe
Organised by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Register here.

Ethical ML: mind the assumptions
Speaker: Isabel Valera (Saarland University and Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

16 March 2021

Scalable robot learning in rich environments
Speaker: Raia Hadsell (DeepMind)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Consistent sparse deep learning: theory and computation
Speaker: Faming Liang (Purdue University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Register here.

Adaptive estimator selection for off-policy evaluation
Speaker: Yi Su (Cornell)
Organised by: RL theory
The seminar will be livestreamed here.

17 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Munther Dahleh (MIT)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Watch here.

Information-theoretic bounds on quantum advantage in machine learning
Speaker: Hsin Yuan Huang (Caltech)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Autonomous navigation of atratospheric balloons using reinforcement learning and the history of Atari games in reinforcement learning
Speaker: Marc Bellemare (Google Brain, MILA, McGill University)
Organised by: University of Maryland
Zoom link is here.

18 March 2021

Building structure into deep learning
Speaker: Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

Graph generative adversarial networks for high energy physics data generation
Speaker: Raghav Kansal (University of California, San Diego)
Organised by: James Madison University
Register here

Taming the long tail of industrial ML applications
Speaker: Savin Goyal
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to find out how to register for each seminar.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Katherine Heller (Google/Duke University)
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Join the mailing list for instructions on how to sign up, or check the website a few days beforehand for the Zoom link.

19 March 2021

The social cost of carbon
Speaker: Tamma Carleton (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Organised by: Climate Change AI
Register here.

22 March 2021

On Bayesian workflow
Speaker: Aki Vehtari (Aalto University)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
The seminar will be available on YouTube here.

Contextual decision-making under uncertainty
Speaker: Juan Miguel Morales González and Salvador Pineda (Universidad de Málaga)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

23 March 2021

Understanding deep architectures with reasoning layer
Speaker: Le Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Ben Glocker (Imperial College London)
Organised by: University of Manchester
Sign up to the mailing list to receive information on joining the seminar.

Adapting the Metropolis algorithm
Speaker: Jeffrey Rosenthal (University of Toronto)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Register here.

26 March 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Raia Hadsell (DeepMind)
Organised by: Robotics Today
Watch the seminar here.

29 March 2021

Gaussian differential privacy
Speaker: Weijie Su
Organised by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Register here.

30 March 2021

Interpretability, the past, present and future
Speaker: Been Kim (Google Brain)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Algorithmic governance: the promises and perils of government algorithms
Speaker: Ben Green (Michigan Society of Fellows)
Organised by: Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
YouTube livestream here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: John Wright (Columbia University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Registration link not yet available.

31 March 2021

Machine learning for fluid mechanics
Speaker: Steve Brunton (University of Washington)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Reinforcement learning for beating Super Smash Bros. melee and proving mathematical theorems
Speaker: Vlad Firoiu (MIT)
Organised by: University of Maryland
Zoom link is here.

1 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Gautam Kamath (University of Waterloo)
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Join the mailing list for instructions on how to sign up, or check the website a few days beforehand for the Zoom link.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Anna Hotton (University of Chicago)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Ameet Talkwalker
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to find out how to register for each seminar.

4 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Lin Ma
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to find out how to register for each seminar.

6 April 2021

The risks of invariant risk minimization
Speaker: Elan Rosenfeld (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

The Ramanujan machine: using algorithms for the discovery of conjectures on mathematical constants
Speaker: Ido Kaminer (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Register here.

7 April 2021

Two-time scale stochastic approximation for reinforcement learning with linear function approximation
Speaker: Pedro A. Santos (Instituto Superior Técnico and INESC-ID)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

8 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Diwakar Shukla (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

9 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Amanda Prorok (Cambridge University)
Organised by: Robotics Today
Watch the seminar here.

12 April 2021

Trespassing Random Forests with a pointed stick for self defence
Speaker: Wolfgang Härdle (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Sara Tähtinen (DAIN studios)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
The seminar will be available on YouTube here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Yanhao Wang (University of Helsinki)
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
The seminar will be available on YouTube here.

13 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Noah Smith (University of Washington / AI2)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Ben Glocker (Imperial College London)
Organised by: University of Manchester
Sign up to the mailing list to receive information on joining the seminar.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Elizaveta Rebrova (University of California, Los Angeles)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Zoom link not yet available.

14 April 2021

Machine learning for medical image analysis and why clinicians are not using it
Speaker: Christian Baumgartner (Tuebingen University)
Organised by: Tuebingen University
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Na Li (Harvard)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Join the Google group to find out how to register.

15 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah)
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Join the mailing list for instructions on how to sign up, or check the website a few days beforehand for the Zoom link.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Rutuja Surve
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to find out how to register for each seminar.

19 April 2021

Preconditioning helps: faster convergence in statistical and reinforcement learning
Speaker: Yuejie Chi (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: Princeton University
Register with this Zoom link.

20 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Misha Khodak (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Lars Ruthotto (Emory University)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Zoom link not yet available.

AI Ethics online: what did we learn in assessing Trustworthy AI in practice?
Speaker: Roberto Zicari (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Organised by: Chalmers University of Technology
Register here.

21 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Necmiye Ozay (University of Michigan)
Organised by: Control Meets Learning
Join the Google group to find out how to register.

22 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Christian Borgs (University of California, Berkeley)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Jason Knight
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to find out how to register for each seminar.

23 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Koushil Sreenath (UC Berkeley)
Organised by: Robotics Today
Watch the seminar here.

Machine learning applications in agriculture
Speaker: To be confirmed
Organised by: Climate Change AI
Registration details to be confirmed.

26 April 2021

Strong optimal classification trees
Speaker: Phebe Vayanos (University of Southern California)
Organised by: Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization
Attend here.

27 April 2021

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Bo Li (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Diego Cifuentes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Organised by: University of Minnesota
Zoom link not yet available.

29 April 2021

Rising star spotlights
Speaker: TBC
Organised by: Trustworthy ML
Join the mailing list for instructions on how to sign up, or check the website a few days beforehand for the Zoom link.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Nathan Srebro (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register here.

For a more complete list, including past events back to June 2020, please see our dedicated seminar page.

If you’d like to visit the webpages of the universities and other organisations that are running regular programmes of seminars, then click here to see our list.

If you are aware of any seminars (both standalone and series) that we’ve missed then please just send us an email and we’ll add them to the list.

Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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