
What’s coming up at #IJCAI2021?

18 August 2021

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The 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21) will run in a virtual format from August 19th to August 26th, 2021. There are a whole host of talks, workshops, tutorials, socials and competitions planned. The schedule is here. Find out more about the various events below.

Invited talks

An exciting programme of invited talks awaits, with eight speakers from a range of research areas.

Yoshua Bengio – System 2 deep learning: higher-level cognition, agency, out-of-distribution generalization and causality
Edith Elkind – title to be confirmed
Masahiro Fujita – AI x robotics for activating and augmenting human abilities / capabilities
Chad Jenkins – title to be confirmed
Fei-Fei Li – title to be confirmed
Sameena Shah – title to be confirmed
Michael Thielscher – Knowledge representation for systems with general intelligence
Zongben Xu – On presuppositions of machine learning: a best-fitting theory

You can find out more about the speakers and their talks here.


There are 38 workshops as part of the programme. Find out more about each one by following the links below:
W01: 1st International Workshop on Continual Semi-Supervised Learning
W02: Long-Tailed Distribution Learning (LTDL)
W03: Weakly Supervised Representation Learning Workshop
W04: Artificial Intelligence for Education
W05: 3rd Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing
W06: Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems Workshop
W07: IJCAI-21 Workshop on Applied Semantics Extraction and Analytics (ASEA)
W08: 9th Workshop “What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence”
W10: 7th International Workshop on Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks, Special Edition on Responsible Social Media Mining (MAISoN’21)
W11: International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Social Good (AI4SG)
W12: 7th Linguistic and Cognitive Approaches to Dialog Agents (LaCATODA 2021)
W13: Generalization in Planning
W14: AIMA4Edu: AI-based Multimodal Analytics for Understanding Human Learning in Real-World Educational Contexts
W15: AI and Product Design
W16: Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving
W17: Robust and Reliable Autonomy in the Wild (R2AW)
W18: 3rd International Workshop on Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition
W19: Is Neuro-Symbolic SOTA still a myth for Natural Language Inference?
W20: Artificial Intelligence for Anomalies and Novelties (AI4AN)
W21: AIofAI: 1st Workshop on Adverse Impacts and Collateral Effects of Artificial Intelligence Technologies
W22: International Workshop on Federated and Transfer Learning for Data Sparsity and Confidentiality
W23: 9th AI4KM invites the 1st AIES 2021 (Artificial Intelligence for Energy and Sustainability)
W24: 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Cyber Defense (ACD 2021)
W25: Toward Intellectual Property Protection on Deep Learning as a Services
W26: ’D*** it… I’m an engineer, not a doctor!’ : AI for Spacecraft Longevity
W27: The Workshop on Competitive and Cooperative Social Interactions: From HRI to Machine Learning and Back Again
W28: 2nd International Workshop on Deceptive AI
W29: Semantic Data Mining (SEDAMI)
W30: 34th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning
W31: 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Function, Disability, and Health
W32: MRC-HCCS – Human-Centric and Contextual Systems, 13th International Workshop Modelling | Reasoning | Context
W33: 4th Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Intelligent Assisted Living (ARIAL)
W34: Deep Learning, Case-Based Reasoning, and AutoML: Present and Future Synergies
W35: 2021 International Workshop on Safety & Security of Deep Learning
W36: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety (AISafety)
W37: Continual and Multimodal Learning for Internet of Things
W38: Data Science Meets Optimization (DSO)


There are 29 tutorials for participants to tune into this year.
T01 Advances in Debating Technologies: Building AI That Can Debate Humans
T02 AI Planning: Theory and Practice
T03 Bayesian Inference for Deep Learning
T04 Cognitive Vision: On Deep Semantics for Explainable Visuospatial Computing
T05 Communication Efficient Distributed Learning
T06 Complex Event Processing: Languages, Recognition and Forecasting
T07 Deep Learning for Human Mobility: data, models, and challenges
T08 Deep Learning for Recommendations: Fundamentals and Advances
T09 Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing
T10 From Statistical Relational to Neural Symbolic Artificial Intelligence
T11 Incentivized exploration
T12 KR&R Meets Cyber-Physical Systems: Formalization, Behavior, Trustworthiness
T13 Learning with noisy supervision
T14 Mechanism Design without Money: Matching, Facility Locations, and Beyond
T15 Modern Aspects of Big Time Series Forecasting
T16 Neural Machine Reasoning
T17 Quantum Neural Networks for Speech and Natural Language Processing
T18 Towards Robust Deep Learning Models: Verification, Falsification, and Rectification
T19 Towards Automated Recommender System
T20 From Standard Summarization to New Tasks and Beyond: Tasks and Methods of Summarization with Manifold Information
T21 Artificial Intelligence Approaches for COVID-19 and Future Pandemics
T22 Continual Learning Dialogue Systems – Learning on the Job after Model Deployment
T23 Conversational Recommender Systems
T24 Machine reading comprehension
T25 Neural Text to Speech Synthesis
T26 NS4NLP: Neural-Symbolic Modeling for Natural Language Processing
T27 Recent Advances in Reinforcement Learning for Human-AI Collaboration
T28 Reinforcement Learning for Education: Opportunities and Challenges
T29 Theoretically Unifying Conceptual Explanation and Generalization of DNNs

Diversity and inclusion events

There are six diversity and inclusion events planned. Find out more here.
AI for Cognitive and Physical Frailty
AI in MENA Region
Borderless: Diversity of Academic and Industrial Careers across Continents
Empowering Girls and Women to use Space Technology and AI for Sustainable Development
Teaching Robotic Manipulation with Accessible Hardware
Policies for Trans-inclusive Publishing

Panel discussions

Find out more about the planned panel discussions here. The topics up for debate are:
AI and COVID-19
AI Ethics and Governance
AI in Sustainability and Human Well-being
AI for FinTech
Women in CS: where are we? what to do next?

Accepted papers

You can find a list of all the main track accepted papers here.
The survey papers can be found here.


Find out more about the competitions as part of the conference this year:
AI for TSP Competition
The Fourth International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation
The Chef’s Hat Cup: Can you beat them all?
The 12th International Automated Negotiating Agent Competition – ANAC 2021
Automatic Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic JobShop Scheduling Problem
Angry Birds AI Competition
WhoIsWho – a Large Name Disambiguation Benchmark
Video competition


Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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