
Forthcoming machine learning and AI seminars: May 2022 edition

09 May 2022

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This post contains a list of the AI-related seminars that are scheduled to take place between 9 May 2022 and 30 June 2022. All events detailed here are free and open for anyone to attend virtually.

9 May 2022

Journées Scientifiques Inria Chile 2022
Speakers: Marc Schoenauer, Jacques Sainte-Marie, Pablo Marquet, Paula Jofré
Organised by: Inria
Sign up here.
Note: this event runs for four days – 9-12 May.

Instance-adaptive data compression: Improving Neural Codecs by Training on the Test Set
Speaker: Ties van Rozendaal
Organised by: University of California, Irvine
The live stream is here.

Kernel-based robust inference for intractable likelihood models
Speaker: François-Xavier Briol
Organised by: Finnish Centre for AI
Zoom link is here.

10 May 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Albert Gu (Stanford)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link here.

Advances in Data Science and AI Seminar: Caterina Doglioni
Speaker: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester)
Organised by: University of Manchester
Register here.

11 May 2022

Robot learning
Speaker: Jan Peters
Organised by: AIDA
Zoom link is here.

A Distribution-Aware Decision Rule for Neural Machine Translation
Speaker: Bryan Eikema (University of Amsterdam)
Organised by: University of Copenhagen
Register here.

EPFL CIS – RIKEN AIP Seminar Series
Speaker: Lenka Zdeborova
Organised by: EPFL
Zoom link will be provided here nearer the time.

12 May 2022

The Free Energy Principle in the Edge of Chaos
Speaker: Inês Hipólito (Humboldt-Universität)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Alkis Polyzotis
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to get notified of the speaker and livestream link each week.

Decentralized, Communication- and Coordination-free Learning in Structured Matching Markets
Speakers: Chinmay Maheshwari (University of California, Berkeley)
Organised by: C3.ai DTI
Register for the series here.

Inverse Problems in Imaging: From Differential Equations to Deep Learning
Speaker: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (Cambridge University)
Organised by: EPFL
Zoom link here.

13 May 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Harita Dellaporta (University of Warwick)
Organised by: UCL ELLIS
Zoom link is here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Eric Xing (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link here.

Confounder-aware Deep Learning Models for Neuroimaging Applications
Speaker: Qingyu Zhao (Stanford)
Organised by: Cornell Machine Learning in Medicine
Find out how to sign up here.

Machine Reading the Growing Climate Science and Adaptation Literature
Speakers: Max Callaghan (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change), Roopam Shukla (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
Organised by: Climate Change AI
Register here

16 May 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Robin Jia (University of Southern California)
Organised by: University of California, Irvine
The live stream link will be announced here.

Unified RKHS Methodology and Analysis for Functional Linear and Single-Index Models
Speaker: Krishna Balasubramanian
Organised by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Register here.

17 May 2022

AI ethics with Sven Nyholm
Speakers: Sven Nyholm
Organised by: Chalmers University
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Machel Reid (University of Tokyo)
Organised by: Carnegie Mellon University
Zoom link here.

18 May 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Hedvig Kjellström (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Organised by: Tuebingen University
Find out how to sign up here.

Function Space Models in Deep Learning
Speaker: Robert Nowak (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Organised by: One World Signal Processing
To sign up, subscribe to the mailing list here.

19 May 2022

Conservation laws and generalized optimal transport
Speaker: Stanley Osher (University of California, Los Angeles)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

23 May 2022

Modeling graphs with optimal transport
Speaker: Rémi Flamary
Organised by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: To be confirmed
Organised by: University of California, Irvine
The live stream link will be announced here.

A machine learning correction model for the temperature bias over Arctic sea ice in atmospheric reanalyses
Speaker: Frederic Vitart (ECMWF)
Organised by: ECMWF
Bluejeans link here.

24 May 2022

Unveiling Principles of Neural Computations: from Artificial to Biological Intelligence, and back
Speaker: Giorgia Dellaferrera (IBM Research, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich)
Organised by: EPFL
Zoom link here.

25 May 2022

An AI microscope to illuminate unknown chemical worlds
Speaker: Michael Skinnider (University of British Columbia)
Organised by: EPFL
Zoom link here.

26 May 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Hima Lakkaraju
Organised by: Stanford MLSys
Join the email list to get notified of the speaker and livestream link each week.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Yongji Wang (Princeton University)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

27 May 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Daniel Paulin (University of Edinburgh)
Organised by: UCL ELLIS
Zoom link is here.

Deep Geometric and Topological Representations for Extracting Insights from Biomedical Data
Speaker: Smita Krishnaswamy (Yale School of Medicine)
Organised by: Cornell Machine Learning in Medicine
Find out how to sign up here.

30 May 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Lester Mackey
Organised by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Register here.

30 May 2022

AI Ethics with Vilhelm Verendel
Speakers: Vilhelm Verendel
Organised by: Chalmers University
Register here.

1 June 2022

Assessing the Impact of Ocean In-situ Observations on MJO Propagation across the Maritime Continent in ECMWF Subseasonal Forecasts
Speaker: Danni Du
Organised by: ECMWF
Bluejeans link here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Maokun Li (Tsinghua University)
Organised by: One World Signal Processing
To sign up, subscribe to the mailing list here.

2 June 2022

Machine Learning and LHC Event Generation
Speaker: Anja Butter (University of Heidelberg)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Paul Gavrikov (University Offenburg, IMLA)
Organised by: Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics
To attend, subscribe here.

7 June 2022

Advances in Data Science and AI Seminar: Una-May O’Reilly
Speaker: Una-May O’Reilly (CSAIL)
Organised by: University of Manchester
Register here.

Probabilistic Logics to Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence
Speaker: Luc De Raedt
Organised by: AIDA
Zoom link is here.

Computational heterogeneity in STEM education
Speaker: Pratim Sengupta (University of Calgary)
Organised by: Raspberry Pi
Join the mailing list for instructions on how to sign up.

9 June 2022

Deep neural networks, universal approximation, and geometric control
Speaker: Paulo Tabuada (University of California, Los Angeles)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

A Physics Informed Learning of Aerosols
Speaker: Paula Harder (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Organised by: Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics
To attend, subscribe here.

10 June 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Badr-Eddine Cherief-Abdellatif (Oxford University)
Organised by: UCL ELLIS
Zoom link is here.

13 June 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Florence d’Alché-Buc
Organised by: London School of Economics and Political Science
Register here.

15 June 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Miguel Rodrigues (University College London)
Organised by: One World Signal Processing
To sign up, subscribe to the mailing list here.

17 June 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Maurice Weiler (University of Amsterdam)
Organised by: UCL ELLIS
Zoom link is here.

20 June 2022

Long-range predictability of the length of day and links to climate prediction
Speaker: Adam Scaife (Met Office Hadley Centre)
Organised by: ECMWF
Bluejeans link here.

23 June 2022

Geometric Deep Learning: Grids, Graphs, Groups, Geodesics and Gauges
Speaker: Petar Veličković (DeepMind and University of Cambridge)
Organised by: University of Lisbon
Register here.

24 June 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Rebecca Lewis (Imperial College London)
Organised by: UCL ELLIS
Zoom link is here.

26 June 2022

Is AutoAttack/AutoBench a suitable Benchmark for Adversarial Robustness?
Speaker: Peter Lorenz (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Organised by: Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics
To attend, subscribe here.

30 June 2022

Title to be confirmed
Speaker: Lars Nieradzik (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Organised by: Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics
To attend, subscribe here.

To see past and forthcoming events for 2022, please see our dedicated 2022 seminar page.

For 2020 and 2021 events, please see our 2020 and 2021 seminars page.

If you’d like to visit the webpages of the universities and other organisations that are running regular programmes of seminars, then click here to see our list.

If you are aware of any seminars (both standalone and series) that we’ve missed then please just send us an email and we’ll add them to the list.

Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.
Lucy Smith , Managing Editor for AIhub.

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