
Focus on climate action

Air pollution in South Africa: affordable new devices use AI to monitor hotspots in real time

Creating a cost-effective air quality monitoring system based on sensors, Internet of Things and AI.
28 August 2024, by

Machine learning for climate science and Earth observation – a webinar from Climate Change AI

Hear from Maike Sonnewald and Gustau Camps-Valls, as they talk about trustworthy AI for climate analysis and physics-aware machine learning.
16 November 2021, by

Climate action focus series round-up – interviews, research summaries, webinars and more

In this summary article we highlight some of work at the intersection of AI and climate science.
16 March 2021, by

Monitoring the climate crisis with AI, satellites and drones – a workshop at NeurIPS2020

As part of the workshop programme at NeurIPS2020, Climate Change AI (CCAI) held an all-day session on "Tackling climate change with machine learning". They also organised a side event on “Monitoring...
09 March 2021, by

Interview with Konstantin Klemmer – talking Climate Change AI and geographic data research

Hear from AI researcher and communications chair for Climate Change AI.
02 March 2021, by

Interview with Amy McGovern – creating trustworthy AI for environmental science applications

Dr Amy McGovern leads the NSF AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography (AI2ES), and is based at the University of Oklahoma. We spoke about her research...
24 February 2021, by

Equitable climate mitigation – a webinar from Climate Change AI

In this webinar from Climate Change AI you can hear from panellists in industry and academia as they discuss climate change mitigation. They consider how we can tackle climate change while addressing ...
22 February 2021, by

Digital technology and the planet – a report from the Royal Society

In December 2020, the Royal Society published a report on Digital Technology and the Planet: Harnessing computing to achieve net zero. In his foreword, Professor Andy Hopper, Vice President of the Roy...
19 February 2021, by

Helping decision-makers manage resilience under different climate change scenarios: global vs local

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fifth assessment report states that warming of the climate system is unequivocal and notes that each of the last three decades has been successivel...
18 February 2021, by

Physics-constrained deep learning of building thermal dynamics

Energy-efficient buildings are one of the top priorities to sustainably address the global energy demands and reduction of CO2 emissions. Advanced control strategies for buildings have been identified...

Observing air quality and flow in cities for public health in times of climate change

Sentinel 5P satellite for monitoring urban heat islands and the air pollution. Image source: Sharing Earth Observational Resources. With my co-authors Pablo Torres, Sergio Hoyas (both from Institut...
12 February 2021, by

AI and climate change – a virtual briefing with Climate Change AI researchers

In December, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung hosted a virtual briefing featuring researchers from Climate Change AI (CCAI). They talked about the role machine learning can play in facilitating climate change ...
03 February 2021, by

AIhub launches focus series on climate action

As part of our ongoing focus on the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), we are launching the second topic in this series: climate action. Posts on this topic will be featured on our website throu...
03 February 2021, by

Focus on climate action: call for contributions

We are launching the second topic in our focus series on the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). In February we will start publishing posts relating the goal of "climate action", which is SDG num...
08 January 2021, by

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