
University of Cambridge

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recent posts:

›   New open-source platform allows users to evaluate performance of AI-powered chatbots

›   Researchers train robotic sensor to read braille at high speed

›   Deep learning model trained to identify least green homes

›   UK needs AI legislation to create trust so companies can ‘plug AI into British economy’ – report

›   Researching more data efficient machine learning models

›   How sure is sure? Incorporating human error into machine learning

›   Studying AI recruitment tools: race, gender, and AI’s “eradication of difference”

›   Using machine learning to improve all-in-one miniature spectrometers

›   Algorithm learns to correct 3D printing errors for different parts, materials and systems

›   Using AI to tackle the challenge of materials structure prediction

›   Trainee teachers made sharper assessments about learning difficulties after receiving feedback from AI

›   Considering the risks of using AI to help grow our food

›   Use of AI to fight COVID-19 risks harming “disadvantaged groups”, experts warn

›   Artificial intelligence could be used to triage patients suspected at risk of early stage oesophageal cancer

›   Computer vision app allows easier monitoring of glucose levels

›   Opportunities for machine learning use in cystic fibrosis care

›   How machine learning can help to future-proof clinical trials in the era of COVID-19

›   AI shows how hydrogen becomes a metal inside giant planets

›   Context-aware sentence retrieval method reduces ‘communication gap’ for nonverbal people

›   Using machine learning to identify different types of brain injuries

›   AI techniques used to improve battery health and safety

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